Exciting overdates added to the collection!
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Big shout-out to Kent Ponterio for helping me add these varieties to the collection. Except for the 1800/7XX, the rest came out of a massive chopped Portrait 8 Reales hoard acquired by Kent and the World Numismatics team. NGC didn't agree with me on a couple of them, but I'm happy with the overall results (and yes, even with them being all damaged). Two of them being Carlos III just makes it so much sweeter. I've requested high resolution imaging and where available I added the close-ups of the dates. I'll update the post if more images become available in the coming days.
- 1777/6-FM Mexico 8R: https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-001/NGCDetails/ - R2 in Yonaka. 4-5 pieces known.
- 1789/8-FM Mexico 8R (Carlos III): https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-004/NGCDetails/ - R3 in Yonaka. 3-4 pieces known.
- 1799/8-FM Mexico 8R: https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-006/NGCDetails/ - Undocumented until now and likely an R4.
- 1800/7XX-FM Mexico 8R: https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-007/NGCDetails/ - Mentioned in a number of references, but this is the first example with a clear line through the bottom of the 8 (as you would expect based on what we've observed in the series with the other 8/7 overdates). R4.
- 1803/2-FT Mexico 8R: https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-008/NGCDetails/ - Another discovery piece undocumented until now. R4.
- 1806/5-TH Mexico 8R: https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-009/NGCDetails/ - Another one that has been mentioned in a number of references in the past (Cayon, Elizondo, Calbeto, Yonaka) without any images. There are a few misattributed coins that bear the label of this variety, but all the ones I have documented so far are the variety with a die chip in the date that was sometimes called an 1806/0, with Yonaka rightfully correcting the attribution as die chip in date in his reference. Likely an R3.
Additionally, here are a few that I thought had a decent claim to being recognized as overdates and NGC disagreeing:
1806 (thought it was 6/5): https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-010/NGCDetails/
1786 (also thought 6/5): https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-003/NGCDetails/
1793 (thought 3/2 or 3/inverted 3): https://ngccoin.com/certlookup/2913082-005/NGCDetails/
When life slows down a bit, i'll write up a small article about each of the dates and provide some other comparison images from my archives.
Understanding the practices at the Mexico Mint at the time of re-working existing dies, I still believe there's a variety for every change in date and assayer. Which means the hunt continues as there are quite a few dates without any known major varieties.
As always, love to hear your thoughts!
You are the variety king of this series Roman! Which goes to show how rewarding collecting in this space can be when you are literally able to blaze the trail. Well done!
Latin American Collection
Thank you for the kind words, Brian. I love that in this information age with its access to digital images and libraries of reference in every language imaginable we are still able to find something very new and exciting.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Prior to the twentieth century, almost every die in every mint had defects that were corrected manually, which made each die unique. The resulting varieties are really cool. I specialize in Canadian varieties produced at the Royal Mint and Heaton, but very much appreciate varieties made at other mints.
Congrats- well done. Many thanks for sharing these images as well as countless others as this is exactly the type(s) of threads that I suspect our host had in mind that would elevate and enrich collecting for the benefit of numismatics in general.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Great finds Roman, first 1800 /7xx that I have seen that really looks like the overdate. I am looking forward to reading your full write up when you have it finished