1974 D Lincoln cent

Hi guys , thanks lot for help. in this time, I found this1074 D cent is it doubled die and also small date. thanks again
Hi guys , thanks lot for help. in this time, I found this1074 D cent is it doubled die and also small date. thanks again
I see no doubling. Small VS large, not my area. Someone else will help you with that.
Hello, I'm sorry, it was a mistake for me to mention the year that was supposed to be 1974 D.
That appears to be machine doubling.
Your 1/2 right, it is a Small Date but that is Machine Doubling, not a Doubled Die
Thanks lot for everyone.
Kennedys are my quest...
Never heard of a 1974 Small Date. Could someone explain to me why this is a small date, and show some pics of the Large Date variety.
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
Not a doubled die.
Hello everyone. Thank you for your help, everyone. My question is, although you have extensive experience in this field. That's why this cent is really it.is small date.اSince I have a lot of it. I hope you can help me know how to stand out from. small date and large date, Thanks again for help.
I'm not really sure myself, but I think the 4 is different between the two types.
Unless they are side by side, it can be hard to tell the difference. My PUP is the
inside loop, of the 9. On the Small Date it is squared off. On the Large date it is rounded.
Sheesh. just look at the pic I posted above and compare the distance of the date from the rim.