Ice hockey vs football

in Sports Talk
Which do you think is the toughest sport between ice hockey and football? I bring this up because I was reading an article about it and a guy that played both sports claimed that he suffered more from ice hockey. I also watched a video about it, and the people in the video were talking about how hockey players were tougher, and a guy named Rich Peverley for the Dallas Stars actually died during a game, came back to life, and the first thing he asked when he came back to life was, "how much time is left in the period?" That's some savage stuff.
Tough call, both are dangerous and depending on the circumstances they are bout equal as far as the potential for injury
I'd lean a little bit more towards ice hockey because of the boards that they can get hit into
Football - not even debatable.
Believe it or not the most dangerous sport, as well as right up there with the most dangerous profession is fishing. Mainly because of all the drowning accidents.
Former Pittsburgh Penguins player dies after his throat was slashed by a skate in a 'freak accident' during a game.
Just this past December.
Ronnie Lott Chopped His Pinky Off So He Didn't Miss a Game
“I just smashed all my teeth out,” Keith said as he opened his mouth to reveal the damage. “They numbed it after it happened; they just stuck a bunch of needles in there and froze it all up. It feels a lot better when we win. It would probably be hurting a lot more if we lost.”
Keith lost four teeth on the bottom and three on top and said afterward he had a long night ahead of him at the dentist.
“I took one breath and it felt like my whole mouth was missing so I knew there were some teeth gone,” Keith said. “I saw a couple fall out and I had one in the back of my throat. I could feel it and coughed it out. A bunch of them disintegrated it felt like.
“That sort of thing happens. I’m not the only guy who’s ever lost bunch of teeth or been hit in the mouth with a puck or stick and I’m sure I won’t be the last guy.”
He ended up picking up an assist while logging his typical huge amount of minutes on ice. Yup, hockey players are ridiculously tough.
It's absolutely debatable
The chances of you getting seriously injured getting blindsided into a wooden or hard plastic rink board is far greater than getting open field tackled into grass.
I'm not saying Hockey is the absolute answer but we can point and counter point this all day so it is 100% debatable and that isn't even debatable
Tough? I'll take a football player over a hockey player any time.
In reality, hockey players are those who were too small, too weak, and not tough enough to play football.
Case closed.
Now if a thread was titled, "Who is tougher, hockey players or chess players", I might choose hockey.
I'm not a hockey player at all and I don't even watch it, but some of the best punchers are hockey players, baseball players are the ones that are not tough.
Guys in hockey lose teeth and play, football guys get a sprained toe and sit out games
For clarity @stevek
We are talking about the sport itself not the players on a fighting level anyways.
Sure Bill Romanowski or Vontez Burfict would pummel most hockey players in a fight but a lot of hockey players would smash a lot of CB's and QB's
I'm referring to the danger of getting hurt worse
Baseball players? Now them I really might compare to chess players. 😆
Hockey players lose teeth because the sport is too stupid to require proper head gear.
To have a hard rubber puck flying around out there at high speeds without proper face protection, is ridiculously stupid in my opinion. Doesn't really have anything to do with toughness, more with stupidity in my view.
I highly doubt he lost his teeth playing football, maybe I'm wrong but unless he is literally on an island in the losing teeth department that picture is part of his mystique
He's meaner than a junk yard dog, he's bad, Jack Lambert
No doubt about it but I'd put every penny I have on Romanowski or Burfict coming out on top in a back alley brawl
Ah yes, the famous Jack Lambert photo. Interesting fact, Jack Lambert actually lost his teeth in high school basketball practice when he collided with a teammate. ☝️
Romanowski played for the Eagles for a couple seasons. The guy was an animal, borderline psychotic. 😆
I read Bill Romanowski's autobiography a while back, when game time rolled around he turned into a totally different person, the devil in football pads would be a pretty accurate description. He broke Giants RB Dave Meggett's finger on purpose, out of pure meanness and spite, because he couldn't get the ball out of his hands at the bottom of a pile, so he just grabbed his finger and snapped it. He was probably the dirtiest player in the history of the game. I remember Bill Romanowski beat the crap out of one of his own teammates in practice when he was with the Raiders, I think the guy pressed charges against him. When it was time to play, he just changed into a monster, he made Jack Lambert look like a boy scout.
This is the guy, Bill Romanowski's teammate on the Raiders, the guy supposedly pushed Romanowski in the back during practice and Romanowski broke his eye socket.
Used to be ice hockey. Ice hockey players are still tough and taking a slapshot to the face that shatters your jaw and knocks your teeth out is more painful than any football hit. That said the NHL has been making rule changes and moving towards the more European style of play that has less hitting and wants the game to be more offensive and less physical than it used to be
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Old School Lawn Darts are much safer...

I have to admit, I enjoy the fighting in hockey. I ran across this video and the announcer seems to indicate that there aren't many good fights in hockey these days, I don't follow the sport closely so I wouldn't know, but it is exciting when they drop the gloves and throw hands!
That would be Rangers rookie Matt Rempe whose gotten into 7 fights in the last two months. Hes an anomaly in the NHL today as the visors discourage fighting. He actually got into a fight in his NHL debut before the puck even dropped. He technically had 5 penalty minutes and 0 seconds of ice time.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
this one seems pretty clear cut to me. Football is the only answer. and really is not debatable. I can sum it up this way.
NHL players have an 82 game regular season with multiple rounds of playoff series afterwards that could be an extra 28 games.
NFL players fought tooth and nail for years about adding a 17th game to the schedule. they do not play playoff series and have a maximum of 4 playoff games if they make it to the super bowl.
there would be no players left in the NFL if players were expected to play over 100 games in an 8 month period. for that reason NFL football is by far the toughest sport.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Checkmate. 😎
NFL players fought against the 17th game to get paid properly for the 17th game and to remove a preseason game
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
they were always getting paid for the extra game once it was to be added. and why the need to remove a preseason game? obviously the extra wear and tear.
are you actually trying to make an argument for NHL being the tougher game?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Lambert the enforcer was one mean dude.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
They werent always getting paid proportionally for it. until they fought against it They dislike the preseason games which starters really dont play in that much and they also really dont like all the minicamps, preseason camps,. and the full contact practices for hours a day all week. They used the extra game as leverage to get more money and some things changed for the league to make more money.
1990s hockey that had full on brawls with everyone on the ice was like the Avs and Redwings series, but as I said earlier the switch to the European style over the years has changed that
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
are you trying to say that 90s hockey was tougher than NFL football?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
All that arguing for years about adding 1 extra game. 1 game. that is how tough the game of football is. hockey plays 5 times more games
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
The NFL could play a regular season of 82 games. No problem.
They would just need to put together a team of around a thousand players. 🤣
All that arguing to get paid for that extra game, not do it for free and just give the extra money entirely to the owners. That extra game is added revenue
NFL players currently dont even get 50% of league revenue which is what their salaries are based off of. Players had a 48% share and had to fight to get it to 48.8% for the extra game
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
all you have written is just distraction and misdirection from topic of this thread. to get back on track.
are you trying to make the argument that at any point in history the NHL was tougher than the NFL?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
right. can you imagine having a football season of over 100 games, including the postseason? there wouldnt be a single player left standing. it is really indisputable.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I was responding to using the extra game as evidence of it being tougher.
Yes it has been tougher in parts of the past but again the rule changes have changed that. Football basically plays/played 3 or 4 games a week with how practices were. Number of games isnt really evidence since they could just practice differently annd not just have your players destroy each other for hours a day all week. Thats changed as well but the fewer games means more revenue per game which they strike a balance with. Its like UFC where when it was once a month it was a big deal but being weekly its not as interesting
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
when exactly was it tougher to play in the NHL?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
the NHL started the 48 game season in 1931. can you even imagine an NFL team playing 48 games then the playoffs in a 6-7 month period of time? not physically possible. the NHL increased to 70 games in 1949. even more impossible.
it really isnt close.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
you very clearly do not know what you are talking about when it comes to football. in season practices are not players "destroying" each other. most are without pads. the games are so violent that recovery and film take up the first 2 days. then they practice wed, thurs and friday. lots of stretching, position group stuff, conditioning, red zone planning, game planning and walk throughs. the difficult practices are during the preseason. definitely not in season.
they are not, nor have NFL teams ever played (or practiced) the equivalent of 3 or 4 games a week. you have invented that to try to fit your false narrative.
To illustrate your false narrative of players destroying each other in practice, NFL teams are only allowed 14 regular season padded practices for the entire 18 week season. these guys are most assuredly not blowing each other up during practice and are definitely not playing the equivalent of 3 or 4 games a week because of these "grueling" practices. that is your false narrative.
again, when EXACTLY was it more tough to play in the NFL?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Why do you think some practices got changed to without pads, having the helmet padding on the outside and changes to the practice types. Its because the players used situations tin bargaining to the best of their ability to get those things implemented when the league wanted something in return.
If you think all practices are that way in camps and preseason you might want to check it more. Guys absolutely light each other up in padded practices which is equal to a game
Hockey requires more endurance over a longer season with a specialized skill set. If youre asking when is it harder to play hockey which I am assuming you meant NHL not NFL, always with the skills required and the grind. If youre asking about the psychical aspects of a grinding season for actual games 1990s to early 2000s was probably the last time.
Hockey and football arent just the NHL and NFL either
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
oh boy. i dont think you have fully realized yet that you are the last person arguing this losing notion. I have to give it to you though, you are trying really hard to introduce strawmen, misdirect and deflect.
the reason practices have gotten progressively easier is because throughout the years the length of the season has gotten longer. as the schedule went from 12 to 14 to 16 to 17 games it was necessary for practices to decrease in number and intensity. because the game of football is so incredibly tough on the human body.
players are not "lighting" each other up in season practices. on the odd occasion that it happens, that player is disciplined.
endurance is different from tough.
specialized skill sets is not germain to this question.
both of those examples are strawmen.
you truly believe it was tougher to play in the NHL in the 1990s than the NFL?
do you truly believe if the NFL had played an 82 game regular season and 4 rounds of playoff series in the 90s that there would be a single player left standing after?
If you do, you are seriously deluded. no one else on this board or anywhere else would make that argument.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
In reality, football players are those who can't skate.
I am a hockey fan, first and foremost.
To say a hockey player is tougher than a football player or vice versa is kind of ridiculous if you've watched a lot of both sports.
That said, because football is based almost entirely on contact, and with larger players, I think the physical toll is higher. There is a higher chance for significant knee, hip and ankle injuries. More than likely there is a higher incidence of concussions (not necessarily more severe) and torn muscles.
Hockey has more stitches, lost teeth, bruises, broken bones, abdominal and groin strains.
If you feel the need to constantly take shots at me in your responses thats certainly your choice.
Tough means hard, or difficult. Endurance is absolutely relevant to what makes something difficult as is skating.
If the question was who hits harder its the NFL right now, but that wasnt the question.
The question was which is the toughest sport which means the answer is Ice Hockey. The endurance, having to know how to skate, and an added psychical aspect with a longer grind yes that is tougher.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
As I said before it's 100% debatable no matter what anyone comes up with because there are variables to the question
in the original question, DD asked which sport was "tougher" then he went on to mention suffering. I think myself and almost everyone else who answered the original question were equating "tougher" to mean physically demanding or the physical toll each sport takes on the body and not the difficulty/skill involved or the endurance requirements of the sport.
perhaps you are the only poster who did not understand that or perhaps you are being obtuse and do not want to admit your take is wrong.
if we take "tough" to mean physically demanding, there is no other correct answer than football. Do you think NFL players would make it through a 100 + game season? lets be real here.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
perk, do you think it would be physically possible for the NFL to play an 82 game regular season followed by 4 rounds of best of 7 game series?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Craig decisively checkmated the others a number of posts back, but the doubters keep trying to turn over the chessboard.
How would endurance not be a part of physically demanding or a psychical toll?
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
No and you and Steve refuse to acknowledge my point
Hockey CAN be more dangerous than football at any given time,
I'm not on a soap box saying that Hockey is tougher overall but to dismiss the dangers of it is retarded
As I said I would take getting tackled hard on grass over getting knocked head first into the boards
There are variables that are debatable that's all I'm saying
sure, I agree, there can be individual plays in hockey that can be extraordinarily dangerous, but as a whole, the NFL is far far more physically demanding week in and week out.
that is why, at the most, NFL players only play 21 games per season.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.