What will be you main collecting focuses for 2024?

Will focus on my Peru 1 real series 1751-1772 (would be be very happy if I can add 2-3 more coins) and US dimes 1796-1891 (will be happy to add 5-6 PCGS graded coins). Will get back to Mexican 1 reales 1732-1771 in 2025. I focused a lot on my Mexico set and it is doing well so I am taking a break until 2025.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I'd like to finish up my Canadian Victoria twenty-five cent set. I need three coins - 1880-H Wide 0, 1890 and 1893. I also need to dust off my Dansco Mercury dime album, which is about 1/3 complete, including the 1916-D. I also would like to continue acquiring problem-free PCGS-certified Canadian fifty-cents when they come along every so often.
Canada has some great coins my favourite was always the early half dollars 1870-1932.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I’d suggest buying a coin that fits your collection when you find it. It won’t be around in 2025 when you are ready for it.
Latin American Collection
Agreed there are a few dates on my must buy list for 2025 for my Mexico 1 real collection. I just doubt they will show up so that is why I said what I said. If they do I will go after them for sure.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I have no new goals for 2024. I will continue to work on sets I am well underway on. The newest set I'm working on is already 2-3 years old already.
I already sold my German Empire 1/2 Mark set this year and dropped my collection by about 15% (by number of coins). I hope to be able to reinvest that money into one of my other unfinished sets, hopefully 1 Marks. I originally started the half marks as something easier to keep me busy while I waited for nicer coins in my tougher sets. The half marks ended up sucking up more of my budget since they were more readily available. I had my fun and now I'll redirect that to something I'm more interested in.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Forward progress, stay within my guard rails…
Been building my German coin collection for last 15 years … mostly collected a lot German minor coinage from German states odd end proofs minor coinage … I’ll take a short break from German state coinage
last 3 years I’ve been focused on Weimar Republic years and German empire coinage …. This year I would like to focus most of my time on my German empire/ Weimar Republic ( 2 , 3 ,5 mark proofs) I have most of 2,3,5 marks in (MS65-MS67) I just need proofs go along with the set … also start dabbling into Third Reich coinage
Maybe add few more German medals to my collection every year I buy a couple of cool looking medals
What I’m focused on will depend on what’s for sale.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
A Roman Empire “box of twenty” (or maybe a few more!)
Canada/Newfoundland…back to the future. It’s what I started with, and what I’m going to end with. I sold off my US and foreign collections.
Last Year I finished two of my sets. Shillings by monarch and George V shilling date run. I've been floundering a bit this year without a clear goal. I bought a few odds and ends but nothing substantial. Mostly Mexico City 2 Reales in modest grades.
https://numismaticmuse.com/ My Web Gallery
The best collecting goals lie right on the border between the possible and the impossible. - Andy Lustig, "MrEureka"
Sell ! baby sell !
Heritage auction sales going very high.
Inflation on rise again and Gold and Silver on rise!
Same as in 2023 and same as always.
So far, I've bought duplicates of the 1803 and 1806 Bolivia 1/4R in NGC and PCGS AU. Also a few circulated pillars and Bolivian decimals.
A piece of SUD Morelos Silver
World Coins: Work on filling the missing centuries in my 28 Centuries Set.
US Coins: Continue to strive for 95% completion of my Liberty $2.50 set.