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Morgan vam 3 spitting eagle misattributed

CollectemallCollectemall Posts: 24
edited February 27, 2024 10:44PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and was needing some insight on this vam 3 I just purchased, upon further inspection I think think this is a vam 7 far date, I plan to send it to vss for verification as I heard great things about them and then back to ngc for correction, I'm totally new to all of this and decided to collect top 100 vams, I bought my first one last month and haven't been able to stop since

, I plan to send it to vss for verification as I heard great things about them and then back to ngc for correction, I'm totally new to all of this and decided to collect top 100 vams, I bought my first one last month and haven't been able to stop since


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