65 in Michigan and a silver find

It was 65 today here in. Michigan so I hit a spot I had in mind where street fairs had been held in late 1800’s. First hole of the day was an 1862 Seated Dime. Rest of the afternoon was a bunch of clad. Still a ton more to search
Nice find! Careful tho…. When the bug bites, it bites ya hard.
Is that a hill side by a soccer or football field complex?
Lafayette Grading Set
It is a field just off of western michigans campus with the old (and now new) East Hall at the top of the hill.
The site has been a fair sight in the 1800s, as well as a center of activity where the town of Kalamazoo meets the western Michigan campus. When baseball was an emerging sport, the site served as one of the original baseball fields in town.
Latin American Collection