Strange bent penny

Hey collectors,
I’m fairly new at collecting and I’ve accumulated some strange coins. So I’ve got this penny with a roughly ten degree bend and rounded marks that could be from a persons clamp. But it’s very clean damage leaves untouched areas that would seem to be flattened also. I’d like to verify if it’s post mint or minting error. Even if it’s junk I still enjoy the hunt. Lol. What do you all think? Thanks everyone!
post mint damage
PMD - keep looking!
Glad you are enjoying the hunt!
Welcome aboard.
The coin you displayed is unfortunately damaged outside of the mint.
It is only worth face value.
Keep looking.
Kennedys are my quest...
Technically, a bent coin is "mutilated" and no longer legal tender. Whether this applies to your specific coin depends on how badly out of shape it is.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Thanks for the input everyone!
I can make one of those.
Courteous people are welcome. Stick around, read, maybe the Mint Set and Coin Roll Hunting thread would be a good place to start.
You fly lower neath the radar without a default icon.