Buffalo Bills ask fans to help shovel snow!!

in Sports Talk
Would you shovel snow for Bills management? Food and $20/hr.
As a kid, over the years, I must've shoveled at least 500 tons of snow in Massachusetts...it ain't fun, especially when the snow plow comes back around and puts another pile of white at the end of your driveway. Perkdog knows how this drill goes.
To this day I'm still shoveling snow, I take care of my house, my parents house and the grounds at work.
I've been shoveling snow since I was a kid, it's a workout!
And the plow guy burying the end of your driveway is never going to stop lol
I used to love a snow day off from school. I'd go out, knock on doors, and always found a number of customers willing to pay to have their driveways shoveled. 💲
Drive to the stadium and all that for $20 hour? Considering the billions the owner makes? What a cheap bastige.
Yes, but I want $50 an hour!
That's a long drive from NC to Buffalo for $50 an hour, isn't it? 😉
If I lived in Buffalo I would want $50 an hour Steve. If they want me to drive to New York from NC, I want $10,000 an hour!
over in the GroceryRackPack's hood...

hey @LandrysFedora bring your shovel, de-icing NaCl, and start chipping & clearing a pathway to my grill...
We had to clear our own seat in the old Rock Pile in the ‘’60’s. Bread wrappers lining our boots and cardboard to stand on. I just thought everyone did it.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Snowing in Destin Florida...

And that is before taxes. And what about any workman's compensation coverage? I see they are including food breaks.
Maybe if it included all the chicken tenders you could eat it might be worth it.
I don't need to shovel snow for money, I should get a handsome payout from my lawsuit.
I have moved snow my entire life. driveways, roofs, parking lots, you name it!! It does get old after awhile.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Shorts day in ATL, although I'm leg numb half the time,ha!
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I cant figure out why the Bills didnt want a indoor stadium like Detroit? Would've saved them from these kind of hassles.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Yeah, I don't get it. They're building a new stadium and not including a roof. And can't even host a Super Bowl.
Money. Roofs are very expensive
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
They probably did not want to or could not stick it to the taxpayers any more than they already have. $850 million so far from the taxpayers.
No it wouldn't have. The game was moved because of the driving ban in Erie County. Not because of the snow in the stadium. In a dome or not, the game would have been postponed. You can't ask the players and fans to walk to the stadium.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
This was the old Metrodome in Minneapolis. I believe they do not get the large snow totals that Buffalo gets with the lake effect snow. Which would also be heavier.
Who wants to go to a cold climate to see the Super Bowel? They held it in Detroit years ago, and there were a lot of complaints about why it wasn’t in Arizona, California or Florida. Buffalo in the winter is no picnic.
Metrodomes roof was technically just a tarp like Syracuse has. Its a cheaper alternative to the 100+ million a real roof or retractable roof costs, but it is very vulnerable to heavy snow weight and suffering tears
Thankfully no one was inside when it happened
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I would have helped love Buffalo!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Not like the game in Detroit had any trouble selling tickets. Or the one in New York where they played outdoors with no roof. Or Indy. Or Minnesota.
Right but it's not just the game itself, it's the hype surrounding the game and the local businesses in the area drawing people in for a couple days before the game, like the entire weekend.
People would much prefer a weekend getaway in a warmer climate area than an ice age setting in the Midwest or Northeast
When is the NFL going to have the Superbowl played in Denver?
I was just thinking to myself, "I remember 7 or 8 years ago when the Super Bowl was in Jacksonville, and they had to dock cruise ships to use for lodging because of the lack of hotel rooms, and fans that attended complained about the lack of peripheral entertainment..." Then I looked it up, and realized that it was actually nearly 20 freaking years ago! 2005! Holy crap, time flies!
They had over 100 people show up today. Bills said they don't need any more.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
A million people showed up in New York for New Years.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21