Wander Arrested!!

i heard the DR police conducted "raids" on wanders house and his mothers house last night. they couldnt find wander. I heard on social media that he had withdrawn around $2MM in the previous 5 days or so. i have not been able to substantiate the money withdrawal yet.
update below
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Who is Wander??
My guess is outa the country by now.
So he’s eating too much lamb?
Best thread title ever 😂
The Wanderer
Song by Dion DiMucci
Oh well, I'm the type of guy who will never settle down
Where pretty girls are, well you know that I'm around
I kiss 'em and I love 'em cause to me they're all the same
I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em they don't even know my name
They call me the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around
Oh well, there's Flo on my left and then there's Mary on my right
And Janie is the girl well that I'll be with tonight
And when she asks me, which one I love the best?
I tear open my shirt and I show "Rosie" on my chest
Cause I'm the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around
Oh well, I roam from town to town
I go through life without a care
And I'm as happy as a clown
I with my two fists of iron but I'm going nowhere
Oh yeah, I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place, I roam from town to town
And when I find myself a-fallin' for some girl
Yeah, I hop right into that car of mine and drive around the world
Yeah I'm the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around
Oh yeah, I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place, I roam from town to town
And when I find myself a-fallin' for some girl
I hop right into that car of mine and drive around the world
Yeah, cause I'm a wanderer
Yeah, a wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around, around, around
Cause I'm a wanderer
Yeah, a wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around, around, around, around
Cause I'm a wanderer
I'm, a wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around
"DR Police" 😄😄😄
He probably paid off those cops and sitting right in his living room having a cocktail
The DR might be more corrupt than Mexico,
The DR is where a number of offshore gambling websites are located. Completely and absolutely corrupt. There are countless stories on the internet of how these websites blatantly steal your money in various ways. And since they basically "own" the legal system there, the expense of pursuing them in DR court would be an additional pure waste of money. Frankly, all of these Caribbean gambling websites are basically the same.
Finally have a nice score at one of these offshore sites? Forget about it, you will very likely never see a dime. They'll accuse you of bogus charges such as money laundering, etc.
If you're gonna gamble, at least do it with licensed websites here in the US. At least you'll get paid if ya win, like that recent 500k sports parlay winner, and the losing money stays in the country.
I’m thinking one of the greatest concerts I’ve ever seen and album. Peter Gabriel, 7 costumes changes and Phil on drums and vocals.
The Lamb lies down on Broadway 1974ish
Second only to the greatest album of all time and greatest concert ever . On the best sales top ten list for over 700 weeks. 6/26/1973 DSOTM
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Interesting. I always considered that to be a Phil Collins song. I saw him in concert, can't recall the year, and I think they played it. Not 100% sure as i was usually drunk at the concerts I attended. LOL
Didn't know about the Peter Gabriel connection as I don't follow the intricacies of most rock bands. But for sure, Gabriel is a genius. His song Steam is one of my favorites.
Supposedly they went to his parents house first so he would have had time to get away, but as mentioned its also very possible he just bribed the police. They didnt even raid the houses because he wasnt there according to anonymous reports from the police.
Its looking like his MLB career is likely over
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I would be surprised if he ever plays MLB again.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
all this talk about law enforcement corruption in other countries evoked a memory from college. mind you, things were slightly different thirty years ago. crossing the border into Mexico wasn't entirely safe, but it's not like it is now. if you're an American and go to any place in Mexico that isn't a tourist attraction in the year 2023 (soon to be '24), you're basically playing russian roulette. you can easily disappear and never be heard from again. and if you're ever found, it might require you to be put together like a jigsaw puzzle.
anywho, my story.
back in 1993 i went to South Padre Island during Spring Break with a group of buddies. it's a resort town on a barrier island off the southern coast of Texas. it's very close to the border, and not far from there is a Mexican town called Matamoros. it's basically a place for American college students to go party -- the streets are lined with bars and clubs. and party there we did one night. i'll never forget getting completely plastered and wobbling down the street aimlessly. i had to go #1, and there was zero time to track down a baño. so i ducked into a dimly lit parking lot and did the deed. right in the middle of me relieving myself i heard a cacophony of sirens. i looked up and in the blink of an eye a veritable swat team had converged in a parking lot on the opposite side of the street. i glanced over and some dude was straight up abducted in a nanosecond. tossed into a Mexican cop car like a rag doll. for doing the exact same thing i was. i've never pulled my pants up so fast. pee shooting everywhere. i even remember drilling myself in the face. on my list of places i never want to experience for one second in my lifetime, a Mexican jail has to be near the top, and i came oh so close to being introduced to one.
that exhilarating and enlightening story serves as a public service announcement for anyone who one day thinks to themselves, "you know what? i think i want to go to Mexico." by all means, do it. go to Cozumel, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta et al. & stay within the confines of the resort area and you'll be fine. the police will actually protect you there because they won't allow lawlessness to infiltrate an economic boon area. but cross the southern border? you'll have a bullseye on your chest. like my best friend (who is Mexican) said, if you decide to do that, don't expect anyone to save you should it come to that...............because the cops there work in concert with the drug cartels. best case scenario, you become a ransom piece. worst case, well, you know.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Always liked "Sledgehammer" by Gabriel.
I've crossed Mexico off my list of places I will never go to. For reasons you said but also I will NOT go to any nice resort either, the drinks in your hotel room bar can very well be contaminated with God knows what. My buddy recently went to some nice resort and drank from the rooms bar and got roofed hard, his thought was the workers were looking to rob his room, thankfully nothing more happened
I'm sure many many people have gone and had a great time but the risks outweigh the reward for me.
If I want to go to a beautiful beach I can do that right here in the USA
To each his own Ofcourse
Mexico, are you kidding? I wouldn't visit that hell hole for nothing, the drug cartels are littering the streets with bodies, over 29,000 homicides in 2019. Look at this, a drug cartel rolled up into a town and had a shootout with police, they shot up the municipal headquarters. I'm telling you, it's like the wild wild west down there.
All Gabriel. He wrote all the lyrics and worked apart from the band. Unfortunately it marked the end of his time with Genesis.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
ok strike what i said about being safe at a resort lol
again going back to my college days, i went to Puerto Vallarta (on the Pacific side) and had a hell of a trip with a roomie. i was never once worried for my safety. i've also been deep into the country (Guadalajara) and found no trouble there either.
but again, that was long ago. and although i've never been back, i've known a ton of people who have gone to Cancun, Cozumel, Cabo San Lucas, Acapulco et al. in recent years and never had any issues. but clearly the risk is there because it took me about 3 seconds to find this article
and here's a border story that some of you may have read about earlier this year. a group of 4 from South Carolina crossed the border -- a female from the group was seeking an affordable tummy tuck procedure there -- and were ambushed. two shot and killed, two kidnapped. but here's the kicker: as it turns out, they were merely caught in the crossfire between cartels. the one responsible later came out with a public apology and basically said, "our bad, we didn't mean for that to happen." how so very stand up of them. and guess where it happened? Matamoros.
and people wonder why we're trying to build a damn wall to the sky down there
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Mexico is the most violent place on Earth, nine of the top ten cities with the most murders on the planet were cities in Mexico, over 32,000 homicides in Mexico for 2023. There is a war going on down there, the cartels are fighting each other and the police and innocent people get caught in the crossfire all the time, it's a shame.
Of course, a lot of the police in Mexico are just as bad as the cartel members, corruption is widespread down there.
The Mafia and today's tough inner city gangs, don't even compare to the brutality of these cartels. These cartels will not only whack you without hesitation, but while doing so whack your wife, kids, even your pets. I'm not joking, this has happened a number of times.
I've done business with this Asian lady living in California. I know little about her personally other than her profession, her outstanding website, and that she has ordered from me numerous times over the years and has referred me to others. All much appreciated. Super nice lady and we get along very well.
So around a year ago she phones me, places an order and says Steve this will be the last order for awhile. I'm moving to Mexico and starting a new business there which doesn't use your product. I told her that we don't ship to Mexico anyway.. We didn't even talk about her new venture other than the general nature of it, as the details are none of my business. But I must have spent at least a 1/2 hour trying to talk her out of it, explaining the situation going on in Mexico. But she decided to do it anyway, her mind was made up. The project for her was too lucrative to pass up.
Not that she had to contact me with a quick note to see how she was doing, I'm only a business friend, but I thought she would. I am concerned that something may have happened to her, but there's nothing I can do about it. I hope my worrying turns out to be all for naught, but I've got a bad feeling about it.
@stevek Funny you should mention something of this nature. I had a dream about a teammate that I haven’t thought about since 1986. We talked, hugged and I was visibly upset when I woke. Fortunately my buddy says he’s alive and well. Now the real hilarious part is Lorne was obsessed with his hair. Every hair in place, never passed up a mirror.

That’s my old teammate on the far right.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
My cousin was on a bus in Mexico that got robbed by bandits. He took off his watch and hid it and they didn’t notice. Afterwards a native told him if they would have seen him hide his watch they would have killed him. My brother and I and friends walked over the bridge at Laredo into Nuevo Laredo and spent several hours there. A few years later Mexican police and a cartel had a shootout on that bridge.
One of my friends at work is Mexican and still has family there. He visits them once a year for a couple weeks. I worry about him and ask him if it’s dangerous. He says no you just have to stay away from the cartels and they leave you alone. I say okay if I go to Mexico again you’re going as my guide to keep me safe.
I always tell people that I'm not really bald. I just shave most of it off because that's the style right now. 🤣
I had my hair almost down to my shoulders in college. Sure wish i would have saved the barber shop clippings after getting a haircut back then. I could sure use it now as a paste-on hairpiece. 🤣
The dueces at 17
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Wander is officially on the lamb. He was supposed to turn himself into the police for questioning this morning at 11:00. He did not turn up.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Well how far is he going to get on a lamb anyway?
slow but steady. I expect he will make the coast by next friday or saturday. then the long swim to florida. I hear lambs are really good swimmers so i dont expect that to take more than a few days.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Well done Craig. 😂😂
If he can hit or pitch the Yankees will sign him.
He supposedly fired his lawyers today
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
yes, it is looking very badly for him now. I wonder if he is even still in the DR?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
For sure. MLB probably has an idea where he is but it is looking more and more like he might be going/in a country that doesnt have extradition treaties
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
So it would be treaties with the DR, not the USA.
Would be both as far as his MLB career goes but yea that would be the main one from what weve seen so far
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Wander and his 2 new lawyers surrendered for questioning today in the DR. Apparently questioning lasted for 3 hours and following police arrested Wandering Wander for not appearing for last Thursday meeting. Wander will be brought before a judge within 48 hours according to DR law.
the plot thickens...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
He's already got the DR case well taken care of with the right parties paid off. Now his focus will be on trying to make sure he gets his MLB money.
He will have a tough road on that one. Americans will tolerate a lot, but not what he is accused of doing. At least it didn't used to be. Who knows any more in this crazy world.
Lol... It's always been tolerated in America.
See: Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Steven Tyler, Don Johnson, Jerry Seinfeld, and Fez from That 70s Show, just off the top of my head. Bill Wyman from The Rolling Stones and Jimmy Page are some international celebrities where people looked the other way. Pete Rose...I could come up with many more if I kept thinking. It's only a recent thing where people are finally thinking that something is not quite right with older men being with underage women.
Even if Wander escapes charges in the DR he still potentially faces charges in America. He had his phone in America and any pictures on it would at the very least be possession of child porn
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
The Wander story will be backpage news once the full list of names tied to Jeffrey Epstein is revealed, as soon as Tuesday. This has always been something where people looked the other way with a wink and a nod, and maybe even a thumbs up and a grin. Doesn't make it right. Doesn't make it OK. At all. Sure, let's be outraged at Wander. But let's also be outraged at the rich white men that do/have done the same thing.
Not sure why race is being brought into it when that has nothing to do with anything. The other list is a completely different story. The conversation is about an extremely talented MLB player whose career is very likely over from accusations about a 14 year old.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I am going to have to disagree with you here. I dont know anyone who would look the other way or dismiss pedophilia with a "wink and a nod" perhaps we run with different crowds?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
OJ and also a number of mobsters over the years, got away with murder. Does that mean it's tolerated? Of course not.
For every 1 (one) of those you mentioned, it would be easy to find numerous news stories of those who have gone to prison.
Being charged with commercial sexual exploitation and money laundering. The 14 year olds mom is being charged as well. She is accused of basically pimping out her daughter and allowing their relationship to continue as long as Franco gave her monthly payments, some of which Francos mom delivered
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
There should be prison camps in Antarctica for vermin such as this. One way ticket, no return. Find your own food and heat. Tell them it's okay to pet the orcas, they're tame.
my goodness, the depravity. i cannot imagine a mother doing that to her own daughter. if the allegations are true, both the mother and wandering wander need to be put away forever.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Wasnt even a lot of money. 100,000 in Dominican Pesos is about 1700 USD
Seems like he probably wasnt the first or only person they did this too.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
The Lamb has landed
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
It seems as though if the prosecution is releasing that kind of details about the case, they will not be letting Wander off with a simple bribe. I feared that he would simply buy his way out of this.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Even if he buys his way out of it MLB knows what he did. The money laundering charges leads me to believe there must be financial records of it. That would be a weird charge to pull out of no where as an add on if there werent
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Its true, there will be a full investigation by MLB as well. It will most likely be more intricate and detailed that the one performed by the corrupt DR police. It looks really really bad for Wander right now
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.