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Dramatic lamination on 1882-S Morgan?

Picked this Morgan up at a random estate sale. I didn't have my loupe me (Christmas shopping trip and just happened to see a sign, lol). It looked like a lamination and a big one to boot, so I bought it ($27.50). I wanted to get others thoughts on the lamination... truly lamination issue? And it seems like a large one? I haven't seen a lamination that big on a Morgan, so that is what made me question things -- just a casual Morgan collector.
(hope these images work out right, cheap Amazon microscope)

Overall (iPhone pix)

Closer views...

Date has some doubling it appears as well, might be MD.

Reverse has a few spots that look odd, but I'm wonder if it's more MD. STATES and IGWT has some clear MD, but the left wreath looks strange with some wavy MD to the left of the leaves?

MM for reference. Here are what looks like minor lamination in several places on the coin, like under LL on Dollar here.


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