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Not sure if Post Mint Damage or not

Hi, first time poster here.

I was digging through my coin collection just out of curiosity and set up this account to ask, I found this 1971-D mint dime that was weird to me for the way the 'Y' in 'Liberty' is struck and it doesn't quite look like post mint damage. The coin isn't mint, certainly, so I could absolutely be wrong, I just thought it looked strange given how smooth the metal kinda pools around where the 'Y' almost strikes through the rim.

I really am an amateur who picked up looking for coin errors as a hobby and my research is limited to googling the coin type and hoping that it'd be consistent with another, existing error but this one has me absolutely stumped for finding anything identical.

Please let me know if my photos are bad for showing what I'm talking about, thank you!


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