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CoinFacts - misattributed LM variety half dime

BikergeekBikergeek Posts: 462 ✭✭✭✭✭

First: there are a LOT of things I like about PCGS, and they are my plastic of choice (at this time). And obviously theirs is a forum of choice, cuz here I am posting. But in my mind, a successful business is one that listens to its customers, and empathizes with them. In other words: they are customer-centric. Sometimes I don't feel heard.

The case in point: on 11/2 (18 days prior to this posting) I informed the helpline via email that the most prominent (i.e., highest-grade) CoinFacts photo for the 1836 LM-1.1 capped bust half dime (a very tough, rarity-5 remarriage) was in fact an LM-3 (a very common R1 also known as the 3 over inverted 3). But I happened to be looking at that remarriage again today, and there that LM-3 still sits.

Why do I mention customer-centricity?

  • The owner of that AU58 in the big picture presumably has a slab that says "1836 LM-1" on it and they think they've got the finest example of the remarriage. But they have a common LM-3 and their AU coin won't make it on the front page, what with all those mint state LM-3s around
  • If that owner has a registry set that includes Logan-McCloskey remarriages - they have a gap that they thought they'd filled. And at R5, LM-1.1 is not an easy gap to fill.
  • The owner of that AU55 in the small pic should have pride of place with the big pic. (OK, that's a tiny thing, but hey, it's nice to have your coin on CoinFacts!)
  • Finally, yours truly, a loyal PCGS minion, offers these tidbits - and then nothing happens. Not exactly life-affirming! :-)

The technical details: LM-1.1 uses reverse DD, with "I2 low." Rev DD by this time also has a lot going on: die cracks between D and S, a crack from T1 to scroll, a lumpy crack over the scroll on E PLUR that has a triangular cud over L, cracks from the tops of O, M, and A3 to the rim. LM-3 uses reverse GG, which looks a lot like DD, but it has U "boldly repunched" and lacks all those other pickup points that DD has.

Oh, and they use different obverses: 1836 LM-1.x uses Obverse 1, with stars 8 and 9 close. And LM-3 uses Obverse 2, with stars 4 and 5 closer and of course the infamous 3 over inverted 3.

Respectfully submitted, PCGS friends! Ohhh... and if you happen to be the owner of the AU58 in the big pic that currently may be marked as LM-1.1, sorry to bear these tidings... but hey, that's a pretty coin!

New website: Groovycoins.com Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set


  • IkesTIkesT Posts: 3,302 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You might give this a try:

    @lilolme said:
    I have sent emails to:

    To report incorrect images I have found. I give the information of what I see wrong and link if possible and almost always get a response (fairly quickly) and incorrect images corrected or being corrected.

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