Are others having issues with Registry?

For some time now, the SHOP links from my Incomplete Sets have not worked...
Also, I'm missing some of the Award flags on my completed sets.
I've reported a few times, but there hasn't been a reply other than the automated one.
I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeff
I almost think we're better off trying to get the NGC registry to recognize PCGS coins - maybe the CAC guys will open some doors for us with whatever they're putting together over there. I'm pretty much convinced that there's nobody home at the PCGS registry anymore, this'll probably be the last year I pay for their membership, at least at the platinum level.
I feel the same. Though I did receive a message from Paulina last week - so she is definitely still working there. It is quite frustrating but I am trying to put it all in context and not worry too much. The banners will arrive when they arrive etc.
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
I traded emails with Paulina this week. She said that I.T. now has what they need to post the banners. Sounds like a question of priority.
Shop links have been down a long time, see this link
My Indians
Danco Set
I think PCGS has lots of issues. It is very slow especially registry pages.
…and on that note, I was talking to the set registry about why 2 of my sets were ranked 6th and 8th on the public view page when they were both # 1 sets. When they loaded my sets to review, it took them several (long) minutes to pull up my sets in question. So if it is slow for them….
Kennedys are my quest...
Over worked and under staffed IMO
My Indians
Danco Set
I believe the public sees the All Time rank, which includes the retired sets. I'd check, but the registry website is down.
Indian Head $10 Gold Date Set Album
When you 1st open your set it shows the "All Time Finest" then when you scroll down it shows the "Current Finest"
The registry has been up all day for me, no problems
My Indians
Danco Set
Down again. Problems getting worse. New coins don't get added. IT support is dismal. Very few new sets created. One person can't do everything needed in the registry no matter how good they are.
The upper management and owners should do an IPO while they still can get a decent price and make this a public company again.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Broken again only ****Error message page***.
And the Digital Album photos are missing ... still. Been missing for months. Really, really pitiful.
The idea of a IPO strikes me as something that'd only make it worse - far too many people-based companies out there that have gone public end up getting boards of directors who are more focused on making profits over product - and that somewhat seems like that's exactly where PCGS is right now, cut every corner they can while blatantly ignoring their customers wants and needs. The only thing missing is all the advertising garbage, datamining games, and engagement promotions -- oh wait, the "Achievements" gimmick probably counts as a first step in there somewhere. Although I bet if they still had sufficient competent manpower, we'd see more advertising and data-mining long before we saw any service improvements. Although it sure seems clear, the current management/ownership of PCGS, or at least the Set Registry (I honestly don't know exactly where one ends and the next begins) is failing miserably. I really hope they figure it out before they sink the whole boat, because they sure seem to be circling the drain right about now.
(For those taking notes, over 5 weeks now, waiting on a 2023 new slot request, and STILL missing 2022 banners on two sets)