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Why There Aren’t More Color Toned Morgan Dollars?

The U.S. Mint practice of cleaning the planchets with acid and small bb-sized ball bearings strips away the micro-thin layer of higher percentage copper metal off the planchets before the coins are even struck. When the U.S. Mint takes a bar of 90% silver and 10% copper, they squeeze it between the rollers pass after pass getting thinner every time. The copper, which is a lighter metal than silver, migrates to the surface like cream separating from whole milk. These are the Morgan dollars that did not get the acid bath wash and bb-sized ball bearings. Philadelphia Mint 1883-1889 (P). New Orleans Mint 1881(O), 1883-1885 (O). San Francisco Mint 1879-1882 (S). Carson City Mint 1881-1885 (C). I have had three near death experiences in the last six months, and I wanted to share this with the numismatic community before I die. I wanted to give God the glory for the wisdom about the secret of color toned Morgan dollars. I want to thank my brother Alan for posting this for me. I am David Homes and I’m currently in Monterey County Jail in B Pod. God bless you all.



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