NGC grading turn around time?

How backed up are they these days for regular service? How long should I expect to have to wait? Is it worth using express?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
How backed up are they these days for regular service? How long should I expect to have to wait? Is it worth using express?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Any help would be appreciated. Never sent coins for grading before.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
PDC, I am not a NGC member so I asked a dealer to submit some ancients for me. They submitted March 29th. I received NGC photo vision results on April 28th. NGC completed grading around June 10th. I believe my coins were sent in for regular service. All told about 10 weeks for ancients. How World or US coins are handled may vary.
Check the NGC website and their forums perhaps
Latin American Collection
I just got one back, about a month for me, door to door. It was pretty fast.
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
*world coin submission
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
Express or Regular service? I have 6 raw coins to get graded.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Thanks will do and maybe give them a call since I have no idea about the process (I will read first maybe that will answer my questions over on their website).
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
*world coin submission, regular
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
This summer I submitted 25 coins via World Modern service. It took two full months.
I also sent in a single express coin. It took just over two weeks. This was an all time high delayed turnaround time. All prior expresses always turned around in 10 days or less.
The turnaround times on their website can be wildly divergent from reality. You cannot count on those estimates.
They post their turn around times on their website. Express is about 3 days, standard about 29 days right now for world coins.
Are you an NGC or ANA member or will you be submitting via a dealer?
The published turnaround times can diverge significantly from the actual turnaround time. I learned to not trust those numbers anymore.
True, but in my experience at least the majority of the time, they were quicker than the published numbers. It also depends on the definition of turn around time.
For less than walkthrough, my experience is NGC waits a month to open the package and then once finished takes 2 weeks to ship it while measuring turnaround time beginning when the package is opened and received into the system. Very deceiving.
Latin American Collection
Guess I will have to become a member. At 25$ per year it seems reasonable enough. Will sign up a few weeks before I send my coins in. No point on doing it now. Early 2024 by then will be able to add a few raw coins to my submission.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I just sent them a world economy submission. Received mid-August. Entered the system mid-September. Received them back today. Seems like it was a week short of what they publish.
Yeah, my experience has been double or more posted turnaround, for modern world and modern usa.