UPDATE .....Calling ticket experts. Who's right, PSA or Beckett ....on this Joe Montana ticket?
I just got this ticket back from Beckett. I thought this was a legit wild card game ticket from 1994 that happened to be Joe Montana's last game. But Beckett is saying that it's a phantom ticket from 1993. Even though it clearly says 1994 on the ticket. Attached is the same exact ticket(different seat numbers) of one graded by PSA. And a picture of mine that Beckett just graded. Did PSA authenticate a bad ticket, or did Beckett make a mistake? If they made a mistake, then I will send in a request for relabel. Thanks for any help.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
Based on the information provided, why not just send it to PSA and get it in the more desired holder?
(Unless you are a Beckett flip fan, of course.)
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Well, that's a different topic all together lol. If I can send it back to Beckett, I can get it re-labeled at no cost.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
One sold at Heritage too, but it’s a full ticket instead of a stub: https://sports.ha.com/itm/football-collectibles/tickets/1994-afc-wild-card-game-kansas-city-chiefs-vs-miami-dolphins-full-ticket-psa-authentic-montana-final-game/a/152318-45326.s
I guess I’d ask why yours and the eBay PSA would be ripped if it was a phantom ticket? Seems to me that Beckett is probably wrong on this one, but that’s just an opinion.
The bigger question is why anyone would send a ticket to BGS and not PSA, but back to the issue at hand, I can see why BGS F'ed up.. Based on today's NFL calendar, it's the mindset that the playoffs happen in January of the following season. So whoever intake'd or graded this ticket thought that since it said 1994, that it was for the 1993 season. Of course in reality, this is actually a 1994 season playoff game as it took place on New Years Eve 1994..
There are plenty of reasons. I think alot of people prefer Beckett. They must get alot of business because the last time I sent them cards it took 13 months to get them back. Also they have the best and most well made slabs. I posted a bunch of pics on here a couple days ago and they look awesome. And not to mention, cheaper ticket grading prices than PSA. I saved hundreds of dollars.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
After back to back communication with Beckett, this is the response I received about this ticket. This is after I sent them the one from the Heritage auction.
''There is no error with the Beckett label, he has a phantom ticket from the 1993 season.''
''The PSA version he is showing is incorrect.''
If they are correct, than there are 17 of these phantom tickets in PSA holders according to the population report.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
The playoffs take place in the following year. Not in the following season.
The playoffs for the 1993 season took place in 1994.
Montana played in the 1994 season.
Hah, I meant year.... But of course in this case, the playoff game took place in the same year as the season year since it was on Dec 31st....
Who is "he" ???
It says the championship game was January 24, 1994. Which is the wrong date. Something seems wrong...
Here’s the correct ticket for Montana’s last game. As you can see upper left corner the year 1995 which was for 1994 season. Beckett has a guy that’s running there ticket operation who’s really good. PSA has made a lot of mistakes in the past with tickets.
Great work guys. I sent in 46 tickets to Beckett and they got every one of them correct. Looks like I made the right decision not sending them to PSA.
Does anyone know how much the ticket from the Heritage auction went for? I feel bad for the winning bidder.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
Sold for $125
I'm out $150. Paid $125 for the raw ticket, and the $25 grading fee.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions