Babe Ruth or Ted Williams

in Sports Talk
Who was the better hitter ?
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
Babe Ruth or Ted Williams
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
I’m going to perhaps be one of the few that goes with Williams.
I noticed Ruth hit in the 200’s against Walter Johnson and this is how Ted did against a very tough lefty.
Didn’t search much more though.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
I'm a Homer 😏
Yes, but IF Ted played those extra years I feel it’s quite possible he could have surpassed Ruth in OPS.
and OPS+
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
In one season, Ruth had more home runs than any other team total in the league.
Some forget also that Ruth was a great pitcher.
Williams was great, Ruth was greater.
Case closed.
I agree that Ruth was the better player, but the poll asked who was the greater hitter.
I'm voting "tie" because to credit Williams as the greatest ever, which he would be if he were greater than Ruth, depends entirely on what credit is given for his war years. I have no objection to giving credit for war years, but I don't want to let that guess become the basis for declaring anyone the GOAT. Williams may very well have been a better hitter than Ruth, and therefore the GOAT, but I'm calling it a tie.
My greatest hitters list:
1. Ruth
2. Williams
3. Mays
4. Bonds
5. Blanket over around seven or eight players.
BTW - with my GOAT hitters, I have to include power in the equation. If I had to choose the GOAT hitter just for raw hitting ability, it would be Ty Cobb.
Have you ever taken a good look at Rogers Hornsby? One year he batted .400 with 40+ Doubles and 40+ HR with 450 Total bases!
I would put him at #3.
As great as Williams was, Ruth had a much greater influence on baseball. The game was in deep trouble after the Black Sox scandal. Ruth generated interest in it again and changed the way the game was played. In addition to that, he was an excellent pitcher.
That was a helluva season.
Hornsby is in my blanket.
What does generating interest and being an excellent pitcher have to do with greatness as a hitter?
And even if that were to have happened which is a big IF, he would still have 0 innings pitched
Ruth was also hitting more homeruns than some entire teams were
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Point taken, but without Ruth, Williams' career may have been very different.
I love ted, but babe slugged significantly better and got on base just slightly less than Ted. Gotta give it to babe
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Tough call- Williams gets an edge as the better hitter- And that is the question asked. Overall, Ruth was the better player
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Anyone think having Gehrig batting behind him for several years might have helped Ruth?
Nice to have the #3 all time OPS guy batting behind you for your last 10 years.
Babe Ruth
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Also helped a little that the Babe had the best pitchers in the league on his team often. Those little things like that add up in comparisons such as these.
Helps with more baserunners in front of you as well.
This is always an interesting question. I actually think Ruth was the better hitter in almost every area. I will explain. Ruth played 211 more games and 835 more plate appearances.....about a year and a half more. But look at the differences in lifetime stats:
193 more HRs.
375 more RBIs
.056 higher SLG %
I understand totally saying what if Ted did not lose those seasons? Ruth also basically lost time early on due to being a pitcher. I think one thing that is very clear is that these 2 are the best hitters in history. Either one is a fantastic choice. Can Joey Gallo get added as a choice to this list?
o Williams