Stan Musial or Mickey Mantle

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Stan Musial or Mickey Mantle
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
Hashtag Legend
gotta be mick
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Stan the Man easily. Top 5 or 6 all time player.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Mantle was the better payer. He was a fleet footed player who hit for average with power. Had he took better care of himself (Less time time raising hell with Billy Martin and Whitey Ford and then less drinking after that) and not had the issues with his legs, he would have been even better. He stayed around for too long which knocked his betting average to below .300. I also question the wisdom and advantages from the switch hitter strategy.
Musial was a great National League player, which, in my opinion, was weaker league in this era. Musial took much better care of his body and had a longer productive career. He was slower a foot and not as good in the outfield. He also had the disadvantage of playing in St. Louis where he got a lot less press.
Sporting news has Musial ahead of Mantle.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Mantle, especially before he got hurt, was extremely fast. Musial, however, was plenty fast. He led the NL in triples FIVE times, reaching 20 twice.
Stan Musial
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Mantle had more power, Musial gives you 4 more years of playing time at nearly the same level.
Easy choice.
Much like Aaron, just plug Musial into the lineup every single day and get greatness in return. Mantle just missed to many games.
For supposedly being one of the best sluggers in mlb history, Mickey trails Stan in slugging percentage.
🏾 Justin Fields
i never saw either play, so i defer to my old man
he has bled Cardinal red since his youth, with Stan the Man being his all-time fav player
but he once told me that injuries prevented Mantle from having a Ruthian standing in baseball's history
so if pressed, i think i know how he'd answer
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I see this as much closer call than Greenberg and Murray. This could go either way
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I won't fault anyone for picking Musial; these two are extremely close and I could make a good case for either of them. But Mantle was a better slugger than Musial. The tiny edge to Musial in career SLG is a park illusion. Mantle outslugged his peers (park-adjusted) by 44%, Musial outslugged his peers (park-adjusted) by 37%. If you look at OBP, it's about the same gap. If there were a good way to quantify fielding value, the gap would be larger but on something less important. Moving down the scale, there's another large (but much less important) gap for their baserunning.
When he played, Mantle was a better player than Musial, of this I have no doubt. But Musial did play a LOT longer than Mantle. And giving up a year to the military and playing until he was 42, he still never had a single bad season. There is no right or wrong way to weight those, but it is important to give Mantle credit for his side of the ledger.
Edge to Stan. He played a mean harmonica.
I really was just not going to make a decision to vote on this one. I changed my mind. While Mantle was the better natural athlete, Musial had the better MLB career- He gets my vote
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Stats aside if someone believes that PED users shouldnt have their stats counted than Mantle has to be eliminated as well.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I was today years old when I learned that being hung over was performance enhancing.
Mantle used steroids, even went on the DL from an infection from them
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Yep, a power hitter who won 7 batting titles. Pretty impressive.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21