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New Look for Orders Under Account/Checking on Grades

It looks like they changed this in the past few days. Is anyone clear on how this works now? Before you had to wait until everything was complete to see your grades. Now it says Grades Are Ready, Scroll down to see them. But I don't see anything in terms of grades when I do scroll down. Same look as yesterday, images of cards submitted. It's in the QA check process. Do I need to wait until all of this is over? Is it possibly just a timing thing? Maybe it went to this stage and I clicked on it ten minutes later so the data isn't ready yet? I could see how I would not be able to view it yet, just as we had to wait before, but it says grades are ready, scroll down to see them. Then the cards have cert #s. Of course too early so not in the system yet if I search under Cert #.

Any knowledge and feedback is appreciated. Thanks.


  • RonSportscardsRonSportscards Posts: 960 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Looks like the grade reveal is now before the QA stage, so you have some time to decide where you want to send the cards: vault, Golden, or back to you. And you can decide for each card, not the whole order. I like the idea. I always hoped you could split the order and send some to the vault and the rest being returned to my home.

    My sub was in QA1 stage when this new process rolled out, so my sub actually went backwards and is now back in Assembly.
    Next stage is 'Grades Ready'

  • It is but I see no grades in the grade reveal stage. :D

  • BBBrkrrBBBrkrr Posts: 1,333 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I noticed that on the app last night too. I have a few subs there and it's so much better with the new layout. All the scans are there and so much more info.

    Way to go PSA!

  • I love the idea. It's just like a very nice sale on a car. Great discount. But no car. Yes, great price. A real deal. But nothing to drive. Has anyone had an experience with the grades reveal with no grades revealed? I really do say thumbs up on the concept. I like it a lot. But for me, its a sandwich with nothing in between the slices of bread. Maybe I don't get it. Would love to learn there is a click here type of scenario but don't see it. Just keep refreshing hoping for a new look and nothing.

  • RonSportscardsRonSportscards Posts: 960 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Did you get an email saying the grades are ready, or is it just showing on the app/website?

    Looks to be still glitchy. It doesn't show the 'First view' scans of the last 13 cards of my 50 card sub.

  • I don't have an email saying that the grades are ready. It's just past that stage of Grades Ready and there is a link you can click on that says "Congratulations! Your grades are ready!" Scroll down to reveal. I assume you are right. New thing. Glitchy. Still need to work out the kinks. I'm missing scans of cards too. I'm cool with that though. I know what they look like. Just want to know what my grades are. And I want them to be good. If they are horrible maybe no rush.

  • RonSportscardsRonSportscards Posts: 960 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 8, 2023 2:05PM

    Mine should be ready soon. We'll see how it goes and if it gets fixed by then.

  • 1951WheatiesPremium1951WheatiesPremium Posts: 6,387 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here’s some stuff I hope will help you guys…




    Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?


  • Ron
    I had 2 Reg subs in 6 go backwards and 1 in 7

  • 1951WheatiesPremium1951WheatiesPremium Posts: 6,387 ✭✭✭✭✭


    So, I think the conversion from beta testing to ‘alpha’ implementation caused problems for orders that were ‘in process’ already. It seems to impact reporting on the app and web page differently, too.

    In addition, there are definitely glitches are being ironed out - photos don’t always show up, accounting holds applied, indicating ‘grades ready’ but then they’re not ready; I experienced all of this first hand with my order that was near ready.

    I think the new system is ultimately going to be a dramatic improvement for the user and it’s pretty user friendly, too.

    I imagine the kinks get worked out within a week or two.

    Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?


  • Thanks Wheaties.

  • If you go to the e-mail you received from PSA “To Review your order” and press the PSA button in the email it will take you back to the old format. The orders I had in 5 and 6 now show 6 and 7 in the old format but in the new one, it’s still in Assembly. The ones I had in 7 are still in 7 and still in Assembly in the new format

  • Mine completed the QA Checks stage in the app and after that the grades appeared. I assume there is a connection for the time being. I'm also pretty sure I had another sub where it had advanced past Grades Ready and was in QA and now has moved two steps back to Assembly.

  • RonSportscardsRonSportscards Posts: 960 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Harnessracing said:
    If you go to the e-mail you received from PSA “To Review your order” and press the PSA button in the email it will take you back to the old format.

    Good catch.

    If anyone cares, the web address for the old format is:

    The new format is:

    XXXXXXXX=order number
    YYYYYYYY=submission number

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