What was the first World Series you ever watched?

in Sports Talk
Mine was the 1991 World Series Minnesota vs Atlanta.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I don't remember for sure, but it was one of the A's threepeat in the 1970's.
1985 World Series - Royals versus Cardinals.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Same here! Had the hat and imitated Kent Tekulve in the backyard all summer.
I'm from Michigan, lol.
Well I think the Pirates had alot of followers in those days. They were one of the best teams in the 70's. 6 division titles, 2 World Series Championships.
Was nice to see Tekulve inducted into the Pirates Hall of Fame last week.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Mine was also the 91 World Series, I watched my beloved Braves lose to the Twins, then the very next year I watched in horror as lightning struck twice.
It was this one. 86. Had I watched some before? Probably. But this is the earliest one that I can say I remember. I was ten. Huge Red Sox fan.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
77 Yankees - Dodgers
I’m probably the only member here who watched the 77 World Series sick in bed with the Mono…
You guys sure have good memories. Definitely at least 71 pirates-orioles if any of the games were night games. Most WS games were day games then during school.
Probably earlier than that but who knows.
Definitely remember watching the tube when the news flash came in saying Clemente’s plane had gone down and he was missing.
Like Darin, mine was the 1971 Orioles Pirates. The heroics of Roberto Clemente and the pitching of Steve Blass.
The 1978 World Series, Yankees over the Dodgers. Brian Doyle's 15 minutes of fame.
As a fellow Braves fan, I must say that one broke my heart.
Orioles swept the Dodgers 4-0 in 1966. Became an Orioles fan for life.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
First one where I was actually a fan and interested in the game was 1988 when LA beat Oakland.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I have seen them all but don't ask me to tell you who was playing in the games as there were just too many!
1973 Meta vs A's
1972 A's vs. Reds.
TV from the convent. I became a Cards fan that year. Just turned 7.
1959, Los Angeles Dodgers vs. the Chicago White Sox. The Dodgers won in six games.
I mostly remember Larry Sherry coming in from the bullpen to shut the White Sox down.
Mr. October! This is the first one I remember. 7 years old.
I remember 1968 clearly. First appearance for Detroit since 1945- and they beat the Cubs. Cardinals- Cubs rivalry is probably the most under appreciated in sports. There is no easy choice as to who to root for- Maybe it was because I was young and impressionable, but 1968 ranks among the best in my lifetime- great pitching, great hitting peaks and valleys in the shift of momentum leading to the unsuspecting World Series star that emerged- Mickey Lolich.
It was a series that had something for everyone.
Mickey Lolich looked like everyone's neighbor- a regular guy- And someone that you would have over for a backyard BBQ and beer.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
I had the whole set of seven cards at one time, but I can't locate them all from the 1959 Series, the first World Series I watched.
Giants and Yankees
I'm still not over it.
You probably mean the final out when Willie McCovey hit the line drive to Bobby Richardson at second base? It wasn’t that close.
The 1st that I can recall was the 1975 World Series between the Reds and the Red Sox. I remember watching at the recreation center. I probably saw one before that but being from Massachusetts that was the big one that I could truly remember.
My first yr of little league. I knew every Giant and Dodgers BA and ERA. The Giants were my life. Baseball was my life.
They didn't send the runner home from third on the previous hit by Mays before McCovey.
One foot further away from Richardson and we'd be in tall cotton.