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New Address for GreatCollections

ianrussellianrussell Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭


Just wanted to let everyone know that GreatCollections has moved to our new 28000 square foot headquarters in Irvine, California. While the buildout took longer than anticipated, the extra time allowed us to make it perfect. It's 8x the size of our old office - we look forward to showing it to local clients and visitors.

Even though packages/letters will be redirected to our new location seamlessly - we're being proactive to let everyone know about our address change:

GC Receiving
17891 Cartwright Road
Irvine CA 92614

Ian Russell
Owner/Founder GreatCollections
GreatCollections Coin Auctions - Certified Coin Auctions Every Week - Rare Coins & Coin Values


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