100 Latin Crown type set

I took a stab at creating a Top 100 Latin American Crowns list, beginning with the milled coins and ending in roughly the 1920’s to include popular issues like the 1925 Guatemalan Quetzal.
I have excluded proofs and patterns for the time being. I would love a Columbus Guatemalan pattern for example and if I owned one Im sure the set would include one.
A few likely criticisms for consideration….
1. Including several Necessity issues. I like Chile so there are a few there but could drop a few there. Could expand the Mexican WFI.
2. I have a Pillar 8R from each mint but not a Charles III, IV or Ferd VII largely because I favor the Pillar style to “old dead guys”.
3. I have tried to avoid a bunch of minor variants but your could argue a few are in there
4. There are some very expensive coins included. I have not shred away due to cost, more appropriateness for inclusion.
Thoughts and builds?
I’m confused. Top 100 in what way?
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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Dominican Republic ?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
What about this type ?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
That would make an impressive set
I take it to mean the "Top", or first coins one might consider, when establishing a generally well rounded set of Latin American crown sized coins from the perspective of a collector / collection.
Not top as in finest or rarest but, perhaps, in general completeness, so as to represent as much of Latin America in a set of world crowns as can reasonably be done without getting into esoteric pieces.
Of course Brian may be thinking about this in a completely different way, in which case he's got some explaining to do.
*edit for missing word
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
That’s pretty much it. 100 coins to make up a type set of Latin America.
Latin American Collection
I included the 1891 but not the 1897. Could do both.
Latin American Collection
Yes, there are a few Brazil 2000Rs I could also include
Latin American Collection
This would make for a great type set! f you want to add counterstamped crown-sized issues, Guadeloupe and Jamaica would be good additions.
8 Reales Madness Collection
100 coins sounds impossibly light. But if that’s what you told your wife, I’ll back you up.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
Ha, not a goal by any means. I told her I sold some coins recently and she asked if that was really a good idea. She is a keeper
Latin American Collection
Couple of possible additions-
Cuban souvenir peso & ABC peso (I know a bit later but still a really neat type)
1863 Venezuela 10 Reales
Justin Meunier
Boardwalk Numismatics
I know nothing about Latin American coins but a 100 crown type set would be an awesome collection.
I’m not sure about “impossibly light”. It seems like a good, pretty comprehensive list of the better known Latin American crowns. And it would be an amazing showcase once complete.
This would be fun to do for Latin American gold type as well…
Wonder how many years can take to fill all or almost all.
Just a minor typo on Volcano:

It probably was not 🤣 I was excited to see you do a complete pillar set, but I can’t wait to see what you come up with here.
Which Peru and Guatemala pillar eights did you keep? I assume you kept a type set of Guatemalan pillars also?
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
Interesting concept, and obviously a lot of people do some version of Latin American crown type collections. However, I think it's silly/impossible to put an actual set number on it. Something like VAMs or Overtons... all just varieties of the same basic thing, so sure, slap an arbitrary round cutoff number on it. These are all entirely different beasts though... You have try to make a cutoff and let people quibble over whether Fred McGriff belongs, but that should decide the number, not the other way around.
A few specific thoughts:
-- Hard to figure out Mexico Indepence eras... but also, there HAS to be some Mex. Revolution in here.
-- As touched on above, a few Cuban and Dominican probably missing. The 1897 Dominican Peso is actually really interesting as a type as it's the rare debased crown-size coin.
-- El Salvador 1925 colon should be there... gets included in a lot of Latin Amer crown collections.
-- Lastly, Brazil... WAAAAAY underrepresented. I think (and I'm guilty of this) we ignore them because Spanish Colonial and Cap & Rays were OUR coinage, so right off the bat, it is of more interest here... and Brazilians/Portuguese-realm people are very few in number here in the U.S. (Lincoln Av. aside) compared to Spanish-realm... but Brazil is the biggest and probably most important/prominent individual country in Latin America.
Specifically, the 1200 Reis from the 1830s-40s is a notable/popular coin. You also have to have both of the prominent 2000 Reis - the 1850s-60s type (even though same design as the 1200R) plus the Dom Pedro II portrait shown above.
Oh, and, DUH... Aesthetic preferences are irrelevant - any "top" list of Latin American crowns HAS TO include cob 8R!!!
And how about a Mexico klippe?
Though this is cherrypicking from a subset of cobs (even though C&J aren't "technically" considered cobs... but they're close)... this coin would walk into that Top 100 locker room shower, glance around and chuckle (though perhaps not as loud if 10-20 of his long-lost shipwrecked brothers arrive and say "Hey, too late to try out??"):
Nice list! One example from each country in the list would make a great short set of Latin crowns.
From experience, I know such lists create both positive debate and some not so positive feedback. I wish you the former and applaud your effort. The naysayers rarely appreciate the experience acquired from years of collecting a series.
Excellent log term project
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