Set registry awards for 2023 in 15 days.

The deadline for the 2023 awards is June 30,2023. Is anyone in the #1 position getting anxious that they might get knocked off the #1 slot before the deadline? I have 5 sets at 95% complete or better in # 1 position. Just waiting it out.
I doubt I will ever be #1 in any of the categories I collect. And that's OK. Good luck to you @golden !
Kind regards,
Want to share which sets............

Just kidding, but, I'm sure there are a few of US that will be posting at the last minute
Good luck
My Indians
Danco Set
I’m #1 in my mind. Does that count for anything?
Maybe I should get a shirt made?
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
HAVE 12 IN THE #1 position. the bigy is my krugarrand set. Key date being MS70 2022.
I just retired my set, all the coins will be on GC in the next 2 weeks or so.
Also retired my Panda sets 10yn silver
My Indians
Danco Set
Good luck to all. For those who are not so bothered about the competitive side of things, the showcase provides a really nice option to build a set and enjoy the folders and coins away from the 'damn, that set is finer than mine' feeling. I have a few sets in No.1 position but they are all world coin/global and so the competition is less fierce...though it is still difficult to build a good set of half sovereigns............good luck again!! I have the showcases set up specifically to make me feel less bothered if any of my No.1 sets are overtaken!!
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
I am trying to build the best set that I possibly can.
This is a "competition" between us collectors. We all strive to be the best and have the best set going into the awards. This is why they have "awards"
My Indians
Danco Set
Dang my best set is stuck at 83%, next year.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Only 3 more days.
This should be interesting, last year was amazing. One set owner posted around 10 sets (that I know of) at the last half hour or so to take over 1st place in a lot of those sets.

Good luck everyone, of course if you're not "bothered"
My Indians
Danco Set
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
The deadline has passed. Congratulations to all of the winners.
That was fun, was able to scoop up 3 #1 sets yea
My Indians
Danco Set
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
I had 5 #1 sets this year.
And congratulations to you also
My Indians
Danco Set
That’s great!
Can you guys share links? Would love to take a look if the sets were open to view! I’m guessing these are all US coins?
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
There is only one of the #1 sets that is open for viewing at this time. Here's a link, and from that one you can check all my other sets, at least the ones that are open
Take a peek
My Indians
Danco Set
A very nice, matched set.
A lot of love and effort went into putting it together.
Kennedys are my quest...
Thanks Wayne
My Indians
Danco Set
Finally found time to take a look. Wow. You have so many beautiful coins in your collection! Such a richness and depth in the collection. That 1825 50C that you have in your showcase is utterly beautiful. Congratulations @alaura22 PS Happy independance day. That, coming from a Brit, must feel special, right?! Ha!!
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
Thanks for the kind words about my sets/coins.
Don't know if you tried but all of my sets that are 100% complete are open for viewing and all have digital albums, not the best pics but they are there
My Indians
Danco Set
Excellent set and effort.
One set at 100% and #1. World Coins in Early America. Looks like I need to upload the picture of my 1/2 Lion Dollar.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
That is a nice looking set! Clearly difficult to build given the number of people also building the set but not yet completing it. Congratulations on a lovely collection of coins!
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
I've got a few as AJBRAMI. Peru, Transnistria, India, but all of the others are #1 to me.
Thanks! It was a challenge, yet doable without being a zillionaire. An interesting set of historic and cool coins. Thankfully, cardinal retired his set.
From here, I may upgrade a few coins or I might add a few other coins that could easily be part of this set (Dutch Dukaton and Rijksdaalder for example).
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution