Would CAC resticker this coin with a massive scratch?

So a while ago, I got this toned peace dollar with a CAC sticker. One day I foolishly put it in my pocket with my keys and..... yea. It resulted with a deep long scratch on the holder. I want get it reholded with a trueview but I noticed a rather long scratch on the actual coin. The scratch is on the center of the eagle. My question is if I reholder it, would CAC still approve it? While it would have the same cert number and proof of it having a sticker, I'm worried they wouldn't sticker it after seeing the scratch again.
I'm also very new to the forum so apologies in advance if I do anything incorrectly. Thanks in advance!
When PCGS reslabs this coin, will it keep the same serial number? If so, there shouldn't be a problem getting it restickered.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Submit for reholder, the cert number will stay the same and when you submit just send it in with a picture of the coin in the previous scratched holder, Its a non issue.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Doesn't the CAC web site have a serial number look-up where this coin is listed as already having been stickered by CAC?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
You could use Slab Renew or another product to try to remove the scratch from the holder - lot faster than reholdering and re-CACing. If it doesn’t produce good results, then go with your plan to reholder.
Couple threads here in the past discussing techniques for removing scratches on the slab if you want to research more.
Yes, but I would send the picture anyway as a precaution, doesn't take much effort and it certainly wouldn't hurt.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Might be worth a shot, the holder has a lot of hairlines that would benefit from that, but the vertical scratch looks pretty darn severe.
Founder- Peak Rarities
It's worth a try but some of those scratches are very deep. That slab looks like it spent some time in a Walmart parking lot.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Yea, my main concern was CAC and if they decided not to sticker it again. To be honest, I don't really think the coin deserves a sticker for that scratch on the reverse. I'll probably just go for it. Worst case scenario it won't get a sticker which isn't the end of the world.
The other question is how much do you like the coin?
Now that you’ve noticed the scratch on the coin, is it bothering you?
If so, maybe you’re better off selling the coin with the current CAC sticker and using the proceeds to purchase a coin you like more.
I do really like the coin. I don't see peace dollars with that kind of toning often. The scratch isn't a problem to me. I'm more concered about CAC and whether they would sticker it again. They probably would and im just being paranoid.
With all due respect this is a relatively low value piece. I'd save my money and maybe try Slab Renew if it really bothered me.
This. You'll have to do some sanding first to remove the scratch but it is possible.
It doesn't matter if you've had the coin reholdered a dozen times, it will have the same cert number and will still be in the CAC database. You can peel that sticker off and it would still be "stickered". I also don't think that scratch is a big issue at the MS63 grade level.

Collector, occasional seller
I will definitely try this. Thank you for the link!
When I originally commented I did not take the value of this coin into consideration very much, after looking at the price guide I think @ChrisH821’s advice is better. If you were to reholder and resticker, all of those fees plus shipping would be substantial compared to the value of the coin if you were to sell it. Try to make it work with a polish, and see if you can live with it.
But now you know for future reference with coins of higher value, restickering is not an issue as long as you use reholder rather than regrade.
Founder- Peak Rarities
It’s a common coin without color but when factoring in the toning, it adds multiples to the price guide number. It might still be expensive to do the reholder and restickering, but if the intention is to sell down the line, it’s probably worth it as I can see plenty of buyers shying away from spending a big premium due to the scratch (some will even question if that was used to gas the coin).
What makes it a "low value piece" in your view?
The PCGS price guide/ebay sales for generic looking comparables?
We can tell this peace is toned, but the pictures may not show how much or the colors. Peace dollars don't come as readily toned as morgans. I've had a few toned peace dollars and they always command a premium. They did when I bought them and they did when I sold them.
Unless you are selling to a dealer, or someone who just wants a generic looking one, then a nicely toned peace dollar may not be a "low value" as you think (unless you think something below $100/$150/$200 is low value.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Anything below $200 is low value.
I wouldn't spend one minute or one extra cent on that coin.
That deep scratch on the plastic is more difficult than you think. If you can catch your fingernail on the scratch, you'll probably have to start off with 220 grit and work your way up to 1,500-2,000 grit. Do you like working for $7.00/hr?
But I admit, I think different than most.
My personal opinion would be to just sell it and find a nicer coin.
Even though there is a cac sticker, that scratch on the reverse will bother you every time now that you know it's there.
Reholdering will just add more cost to ownership.
@Ridley06 .... Welcome aboard. Good luck with your project. Let us know what remedy you choose and how successful it is. Cheers, RickO
Are you sure it's a scratch on the rev and not a VAM die crack? If it's a scratch, why would our host straight grade it?
Also, that scratch on the slab might be deep but I believe it could be buffed out.
It needs to be resubmitted for reholder. Get that problem off the field then worry about CAC. But confident they may resticker it after review. Just let them know. It has extra potential for toner bonus but YMMV. Book TPG costs to expense. Nice toner.
We need an official " ask cac" thread. Similar to an as- kick thread, but a nicer ring to it.
I think with that toning this is an over $200 piece.
@Ridley06 if you do end up re-holdering it, make sure to select the Gold Shield service so that it gets a Trueview at the same time. Definitely worth the minor extra cost.
Collector, occasional seller
That's one badass set of keys you carry in your pocket.
If the holder has been compromised all bets are off. But if it clearly didn't break through then PCGS will reholder it and the cert# won't change. CAC will resticker it. Unless...
...either service has an issue with the reverse scratch on the coin. In which case their guarantee will apply and you will be compensated.
If you send in a damaged slab for reholdering, does it even go back to the grading room?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Good question. I'll bet they don't when the reholdering reasons are superficial. Once the slab is compromised, however, don't you figure there are procedures in place for a review?
Not only might there be concern about AT but also about damage to the coin. I can't imagine it's left up to technicians who do reholdering to decide coins inside compromised holders haven't suffered somehow.
I also wouldn't be surprised to learn JA gives a coin the once-over before he replaces a sticker.
Just making educated guesses here. I have no special knowledge.
That's your opinion, right? Or is there something written in stone on that?
(for what it's worth, I actually agree with you that under $200 is low value, BUT I know that isn't true for everyone...and I know some folks that think that things 'under $1000' is LOW VALUE....perspective, and understanding that others may not think the same way, is key)
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
I am of the understanding that if the holder is compromised it is not a reholder. It is a regrade.
PCGS is clear that any warranty is void when their holder is compromised.
I don't think a slab has been compromised if it's only been scratched by carrying it with your keys.
Obviously, if a slab is damaged to the point that the coin can be accessed, it needs to be regraded.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I believe that this coin is an Ms 64 but the scratch knocks it down to an ms 63. That’s why I believe CAC would sticker the coin with the scratch.
Nice color on that coin 👍.
I definitely would get the coin reholdered due to the slab damage. Beyond that - Take it to the CAC forum.
You looking to score brownie points with the moderators?
Founder- Peak Rarities
Just fine tuning my answer.
I don't know, ask @Ridley06.
It definitely is a scratch. It would be cool if it was a vam.
Thank you all for your comments! I think I'll eventually send it in for reholder because the scratch on the holder is pretty deep. That way I can get a trueview. I will absolutely use the technique discussed to get rid of lighter scratches on my other graded coins.
If it's a scratch on the coin, why would our host straight grade it? Maybe it's market acceptable?...I don't know. And if you submitted it to be reholdered, is there a chance they would give it a detailed grade?
That was my point in posting this discussion. I was wondering the same thing. Maybe it was a very generous day at the office or something.
After hearing the responses, I'll just take my chances and send it in for reholder. It would suck if they flagged it and detailed it.
Don't forget to post the results here when you get it back.
Will do but it may be a while. Both on PCGS and my end.
I know you were hoping to get the green bean again but if it's not getting a straight grade, forget the bean. Plus, I'm not sure I would want a TrueView of a scratched coin.
Question to all:
So this coin would get a straight grade from PCSG "plus" a CAC sticker with a scratch on it?
It’s nice to see CAC is holding the line and resisting grade inflation. 😉
I don’t see much upside potential spending $100-150 to reholder and resticker your coin. I don’t think you’re adding much if any value to the coin with a new holder. In theory this should be very easy to do but you never know with a coin that has a big scratch. Perhaps I’m different than most but I don’t care if a holder has a scratch or gash unless the integrity is compromised.
Yes, it already has..
The scratch is on the eagles feathers, yes it's in the center but not that distracting due to the busy design around it.
I know that PCGS doesn't follow the ANA standards to a T, but here is the description for MS63
MS-63 - Mint luster may be slightly impaired. Numerous small contact marks and a few scattered heavy marks may be seen. Small hairlines maybe visible without magnification. Several detracting scuff marks or defects may be present throughout the design or in the fields. The general quality is about average, but overall, the coin is rather attractive. Copper pieces may be darkened or dull. Color should be designated.
Contact Marks: May have distracting marks in prime focal areas.
Hairlines: May have a few scattered or a small patch.
Luster: May be slightly impaired.
Eye Appeal: Rather attractive.
There is not a real issue here. The COIN is unaffected by the holder damage. PCGS will absolutely re-holder it as long as the security of the holder is not compromised, which a scratch is not, and even if they somehow decide they messed up then they will have to buy the coin back. ONCE the coin is re-holdered it will have the same certification number and CAC will simply re-apply the sticker since it is in their database as passed at MS63. Honestly that isn't even needed since the certification number can be confirmed on their website by anyone.
Please look here https://www.pcgs.com/services/reholder
and also here https://www.pcgs.com/services/regrade
and lastly here https://www.pcgs.com/reconsideration
Now, it should be pointed out that for reconsideration the cert number also stays the same, even if the grade bumps. This still does not pose an actual problem as the CAC database shows the grade at which it passed. So if a coin is in a theoretical "reconsider upgrade MS65 holder" that was previously CAC at MS64, the grade mismatch would indicate a no longer valid CAC approval. This is irrelevant here though.
Collector, occasional seller
@ChrisH821- Thank you for that detailed explanation. Much appreciated. 👍🏻