2001 Silver Buff proof The Buff is Back
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I’ve been wondering if all silver proof commemoratives are minted in Philadelphia as the 2001 Buffalo was minted. Do Silver Commemoratives get minted as uncirculated, too as the Buff was in Denver?
"Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world." PBShelley
Does the Olympic 1983/84 count?
Yeah. What sayeth thou?
The answer is easily found in a Red Book or here, https://www.pcgs.com/prices/detail/modern-silver-clad-commemoratives/792/most-active.
The answer is no.
Thanks. There's no 2001 Proof Buffalo listed, which is
I may be wrong but there's no minted 2008 Buffalos, as the PCGS registry suggests.
Looks like all the mints have done some... Including West Point. Cheers, RickO
Yah. Some , but not all me gathers.
would you have a pic or two of the commem?
Coming soon.
I may be wrong but there's no minted 2008 Buffalos, as the PCGS registry suggests.
Are you talking Silver Buffalos, or Gold Buffalos? There is no regular Silver Buffalo program - only the 2001 Commemoratives, as far as I know. The Mint did produce the 1 oz. Gold Buffalos in 2008 in both Unc. and Proof.
I knew it would happen.
Oops. I am referencing the Silver Commemorative. You’re right. I guess I saw the 08 Gold Buffalo line, thinking it was indicating silver commemorative.
Why hasn’t PCGS a Proof listed in 01, only the Denver?
Sometimes, PCGS needs a little better, or maybe just a little more vigorous data editing, but I can understand the challenge of keeping all the data for US coinage corralled and updated.
I knew it would happen.
There is a toggle at the top that lets you switch between proof(pr) and unc (ms). This takes you directly to the proof page, https://www.pcgs.com/prices/detail/modern-silver-clad-commemoratives/792/most-active/pr and includes the 2001 P Buffalo. Proofs are P, S, W.
Eureka! And there it is. Thanks much. Not sure how I missed it ..... duh me Thanks again!!