Milled 1732 8 reales Mexico PCGS Genuine up for sale on Ebay

Asking price is to high and no best offer option. Value is about 8k-12k seller is asking 32 500$. His coin he can do what he wants.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Asking price is to high and no best offer option. Value is about 8k-12k seller is asking 32 500$. His coin he can do what he wants.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Saw that, cool coin, too bad about the tooling and corrosion
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
And the asking price.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
These problem coins are just traps for anyone inclined to buy them. At that price it’s just stupid. At $10k it’s still horrible value.
Latin American Collection
It will not sell at that price. There has never been a sale near that price for the grade. Not even close. I agree on the value part as well but for those doing that series and eventually want to add the date to our collection you have to be content with what you can afford. In my opinion at say 6k to 8k would be an OK buy. It would have to have better eye appeal to justify spending 10k-12k (it would have to be perfect looking for the grade).
At his asking price you are much better off buying a numerical graded 1732. They are not that rare others will come up for sale over time. The 8 reales 1732 is the most common of all milled 1732's by far.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Oh yeah, crazy stupid money for what it Is.
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
I think the Chile Pillar 8R coming up for sale will sell for less than this ask price. It is "UNC Details".
Edit: Just saw your other thread.
Apparently not less. Go that one wrong.
That one sold for 57 600$ only 9 exist as you know. The 1732 Mexico milled 8 reals is about 4-5 times more common (about 35-45 are known in all grades). Personally because of what I collect I would prefer the 1732 but the Chile and Colombia reales (the ones in the (Brad Yonaka book) are like museum coins in my opinion. Not that the 1732 8 reales is not but they are simply not as rare.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
The Mexico 1732 is more expensive because it's more prominent due to the larger collector base. I'd rather have any comparable Chile or Columbia coin. The lower price is just a bonus.
I do not believe the 1732 is more expensive just look at what that authentic coin sold for near 57k. 1732 in that grade would be far less money maybe 8k-12k. The 1732 is in more demand yes but not more expensive that those ultra rare 8 reales from Chile or Colombia at least not based on the sale prices I have witnessed over the last few years.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I've seen prices all over the place, but you may be right. This sale of the Chile coin might be the new price level, or an outlier.
They are for sure more expensive than the 1732 8 reales at least in lower grades. I would assume also in higher grades. Those 8 reals from Chile and Colombia are like ''mystical coins'' and owning just 1 would be awesome.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Received a hefty discounted offer of $20,000 for this coin. Proves the seller is just baiting a sucker. No one is going to spend that kind of money without proper due diligence.
Not worth 20 000$ and would be a very bad buy at that price. Mine as well save up for a numerical grade at that level of money.
Like I said it is a coin valued at between 8k-12k so he may be OK with his asking price with the reduction he offered. Not an easy coin to locate last one sold back in 2021 for 5k at Heritage but it was sea salvaged so also damaged.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
It purports to have sold. The Magic 8-Ball says the figure was $13,500.
Seems a little high but possible at that price.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Could be many reasons it sold.
1) Newbies set the prices, not old timers. Fresh eyes, fresh ideas.
2) Availability of coins is constantly changing. Fact is they aren't rare, but they aren't available now.
3) Unsophisticated buyers often pay too much for substandard coins. That's how prices escalate.
4) Buyer could have wanted out of his native currency and into physical assets.