You could win free grading credit!

Hey Set Registry members, we want to hear from you! Check your email for a survey link to provide your feedback. As a special thank you, five survey respondents will be selected at random to each receive a $200 PCGS grading credit. The deadline to enter is April 18, so act now.
Already done. Took maybe 5 minutes.
What email? I didn't receive one.
Lablover, Received my email on Tuesday. Titled : share your experience with set registry "
Never got one
My Indians
Danco Set
Guess time is short for PCGS to deliver me an email.
Oops, sorry PCGS, the email was in my Spam folder.
I tried and became sidetracked. Too many questions.
Please send me the email
I looked in spam
Already a completed task for me.
Kennedys are my quest...
done, and done.
So who the heck won???
Apr 18th, I sure hope that's next year?
Never got one!
When I last spoke to Set Registry, I was informed that all winners were notified. They would not disclose who those winners were.
Kennedys are my quest...