Inexpensive coin TrueViews

As people might know, I'm a huge fan of TrueViews. Not only do they provide consistent photography, they can be easily verified on Cert Verification so it's a great way to avoid counterfeits.
I like them to the point that I even require them for inexpensive coins, except if the coin is uniquely special like a toner.
Post some inexpensive coins with TrueViews that you have.
Here are some of mine. These coins commonly come without TrueViews so I'm patient and wait till one appears.
Recent purchase
Successful BST transactions with....Coinslave87, ChrisH821, Walkerguy21D, SanctionII.......................Received "You Suck" award 02/18/23
I'm a big TV fan also (despite a couple of less than stellar photos recently). Here is my least expensive TVed coin - I insisted it be tossed in when buying a much more expensive coin because it had a TV and a nice hint of color.
At one point I wanted to see how PCGS would TV coins in OGH holders so I asked about them shooting through the existing OGH holder and sent them off a few for a test. One of the inexpensive coins is this 1969-S JFK that they imaged through the OGH.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Somehow, I knew @braddick would swoop in for the win in this thread!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Thanks, Tom. High praise indeed.

I think my recent failed attempts of carrying these 4 around in my pocket for a month and submitting them to try and get AU grades counts

Wow. Tough to get circulated grades! I looked them up and they are all MS63 to MS65.
In general, I just like TrueViews but there can be different benefits for different coins.
For Morgan and Seated dollars in the OP, counterfeiting is a concern. For the following, counterfeiting isn't a concern, but sharing unusual errors and toning is a great benefit.
This is one of my favorites posted by @illini420.
This has great images of the prospector and bear.
Posted before, but acquired it a long time ago.... Cheers, RickO

Purchased this penny about 6 years ago.

USAF (Ret.) 1985 - 2005. E-4B Aircraft Maintenance Crew Chief and Contracting Officer.
My current Registry sets:
✓ Everyman Mint State Carson City Morgan Dollars (1878 – 1893)
✓ Everyman Mint State Lincoln Cents (1909 – 1958)
✓ Morgan Dollar GSA Hoard (1878 – 1891)
My best AU58 Top Pop 1912 P Indian Eagle. Purchased for close to melt.
That gold indian is an "inexpensive coin?" What am i missing?
Successful BST transactions with....Coinslave87, ChrisH821, Walkerguy21D, SanctionII.......................Received "You Suck" award 02/18/23
Compared to what they typically go for.
He purchased it close to melt.
Wow! Great coin @ricko! I love the old TrueView background.
A benefit of TrueViews is that we also don't have to take and post photos ourselves
Ok, i took inexpensive as couple hundred or less. No worries
Successful BST transactions with....Coinslave87, ChrisH821, Walkerguy21D, SanctionII.......................Received "You Suck" award 02/18/23
That's how the thread started, but threads can take on a life of their own and it's good to go with the flow.
Of course, with this perspective, multi-million dollar physical Bitcoins could be included
Well, here's my second least expensive coin with a TV. Picked from a pile of similar Jeffs specifically because it had a TV.
I Trueview every coin regardless of value. It's a great tool for beginners as well.
These were all $10-50ish

Die clash
MPD (and has since passed CAC)
Friendly eagle
Two Feather
Just because
Two Feather
You listed the 2021-P dime twice.
See? I do pay attention. . .
Good catch, thank you. I edited it out.
@Aspie_Rocco is that 1940 DDR Jefferson really a TrueView or simply a PCGS sniffer-scanner image? I think it is the latter.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I’m not sure, it is a less than stellar photo. The scanner image idea might be spot on. It is on the PCGS website and coin info when entering the certificate number
Many times I don't even care what grade comes back, even if it turns out to be a"detailed" coin!
I just sent it in to receive that beautiful photo 📸 from our dear host's TrueView!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.When I first started long ago I thought to buy a birtyear Lincoln cent of my mother and father.

CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
This SMS nickel from my birthyear cost me 15 bucks in the slab.
This Tanzanian FAO-issue 5-shilingi is about a $3-ish coin, book value. So why’d I pay nearly $50 to slab it?
Sentimental value. In 1972, when I was a little kid living in Tanzania, one of these was the first weekly allowance my parents ever gave me. One would buy a model airplane kit, as I recall. So when I found this one in a bulk bag, I knew I had to submit it so I could include it in my collection.
Hey, it’s top pop- in fact, the only one graded! LOL
Pop 8/0 coin with really nice toning over IGWT.
Here are some inexpensive coins with trueview, I submitted most of these, and many of them the cost of grading and imaging was more than the coin itself.
Is it me? or is there some reason why PCGS keeps taking Pics of my coins when I am NOT requesting it...
Anyway, this is from a reason submission. Most would ask why bother grading this coin. well, it's a Minor DDR. In fact, it should have probably not graded with that chunk missing in the reverse but I did not see it until the photo came in.
Maybe the photographed it so you would see the missing chunk
They tend to take photos of coins they like, so it means you have good taste.
Do you submit without requesting a photo, or do you request specifically not to take photos. These are two different things. If you don't make a request either way, PCGS will photograph coins they like without charging you, which is a good thing. Some prominent collectors have specifically requested no photos.
Nice coins! Interested to know your reasoning for submitting if the coins are worth less than the cost of grading and imaging? Does the enjoyment you get from the TrueViews make it worthwhile, or is it something else?
Thanks! Well obviously a financial advisor would recommend against this, but cost isn't really an issue for me and I don't really consider it when making these decisions but different reasoning for each of them.
The Vermont innovation dollars because snowboarding is one of my favorite pasttimes and passions, I went through 500 of them and submitted several, these two include one with a strike through and one I carried in my pocket for 6 months which came in at AU53, the SBA came with the trueview.
The peace dollar is one of my favorite coins when it looks old and dirty, I don't like the coin when it's white, and prefer it circulated, I have an everyman's date set and all the coins have this dark color to them, most people tend to pass over them, but I really like them with the dark color.
The Sac and FL quarter are part of my "Space Case" box of 20
The ASE and Ike I really liked the toning.
PCGS is great at marketing, the set registry has me buying coins I wouldn't typically buy, and the TrueView images I really enjoy to look at. I love the history of coins, I love to look at and hold coins all coins old and new and for certain coins with sentimental value, I love to have the TV images. For example I plan to submit a bunch of modern Spanish pesetas and Spain euro coins and will get the TV. I lived in Spain in 05/06 doing a study abroad (Business in the EU) so those coins have a sentimental value, same with the Vermont dollars.
$8 at the shadiest LCS I have ever been to but a nice coin! 66+FS
A swing and A miss for PL.
Successful BST transactions with: SilverEagles92; Ahrensdad; Smitty; GregHansen; Lablade; Mercury10c; copperflopper; whatsup; KISHU1; scrapman1077, crispy, canadanz, smallchange, robkool, Mission16, ranshdow, ibzman350, Fallguy, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, jwitten, Walkerguy21D, dsessom.
Got a few of these!! Love the true views and will get them when I can!

I could do this for days
This coin was submitted to PCGS so that they would attribute another very similar, rare 74-S Die marriage properly. It was my first submission of coins for TPG grading and was surprised that it straight graded with the large surface pit on the coin and scratched reverse.
This is my cheapest coin with a TV. It’s from my Morgan date set.
Here's one:
I find, on occasion, that TVs capture the essence of a coin accurately. This blue proof coin was inexpensive bought at an auction and the accompanying TV is accurate. I prefer the white background option so I chose that option:
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
I had these imaged through the holder, so both the coins and the TrueViews were inexpensive.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.