Ebay on 60 minutes last night.
Anybody see it? Not too flattering. As a long time ex -Ebay seller, I'm not running back.
Collector and dealer in obsolete currency. Always buying all obsolete bank notes and scrip.
Anybody see it? Not too flattering. As a long time ex -Ebay seller, I'm not running back.
This incident happened in 2019 when Ebay executives mailed spiders and other nasty items to a couple who ran an online newsletter with articles about Ebay.
For some reason there are no descriptions of the spiders in any of the news reports.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
I saw it. The problem with power isn't power-sellers.
I did not see the program - just do not watch much TV. Anybody care to post a synopsis? Cheers, RickO
High level ebay execs traveled from the west coast to the east coast and ...since(after) the FBI was called in by the local police...these eBay employees were found guilty of some stupid stuff. Linked allegedly to the eBay top dog.
You can research it by key words, ina Steiner, e-commerce bytes...her newsletter critiquing most internet sales platforms.
Just amazing corporate stupidity.
It's basically a story about rogue employees. Albeit a very bad one.
Watched most of it last night, wasn’t a great look for Ebay.
There's always an opportunity for someone to do it the right way. Be interesting to see how most here [if they were the top dog at a similar venue] would handle their first scam situation.
Someone buys a $3K coin, but gets an empty box. What are you going to do about it?
So take the worst things about eBay and the best things about eBay and go from there.
I never knew that story until 60 minutes last night (kept it on after BB game to see Charles Barkley interview but ebay story was better). Funny how the CEO was obsessed with a blog with 1990s graphics. Good thing he never saw the ebay posts on the CU forums!
And holy crap Scott Pelly looks like death warmed over!
I do not watch the liberal lunacy media, so I missed this one. No need to worry about time I would not get back.
Didn't see it, but learned some stuff about it here. Thanks @streeter
happens more often then we think and with office politics involved yeah it's not a good combo and e-bay doesn't have the best rep anyways so doubt it can hurt something they barely have to start with
Moved to BST
This is more about Ebay than anything else, not even about buying or selling coins.
I do not agree. Many here buy and sell on Ebay, so this is about buying and selling coins.
Search "Ebay" and you will find plenty of threads about Ebay that haven't been moved to BST.
I understand that certain members have tried to make this political and that's a better reason to kill it than move it.