Will there be an updated Resplandores or will that never happen?

Seems like there would be many new variations that were not listed back in 1999.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Seems like there would be many new variations that were not listed back in 1999.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I am pretty sure if someone published say 200-250 copies of an updated version they would sell off fast enough.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
How many hours of research would be required? How much income would 200-250 copies generate?
I agree but when it is your one true passion sometimes it is worth it. I would do it but I am no expert.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I suspect most books end up being a "labor of love". Once they're done, it's probably an even bigger job convincing someone to do it again.
I think Dunigan views his information gap to the masses as an advantage. Doubt he ever updates Resplandores which was really a Parker initiated endeavor.
Latin American Collection
That is to bad I am sure many would be happy to see either a new book or an updated Resplandores.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Having published five books now on Canadian large cent die varieties, I will confirm the following:
It is a labor of love for me, so I tolerate the downside. I certainly would not recommend it as a business model, so I guess I can easily understand why Dunigan would not publish again, no matter how much a few niche collectors would like him to do so.
I've mentioned this here before, but I have seen collectors walk away from a coin show when they found out that, this year, the sponsoring club has instituted a $1 admission fee (past attendance had previously been free) in order to make the numbers for holding the show work out. Coin collectors can be awfully... thrifty, I believe the word is, at times. And paying for books is one of those times.
Geez 1$ and they left? Cost more to get there.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Yep. But there it is. "I'm not paying to look at coins for sale" is how it went.
I've always felt this is because a large percentage of "coin collectors" were really one or more of the following:
People who don't believe in government/Federal Reserve/USD/etc.
People who only collect from circulation
I wonder how many of them would pay to enter a gun show?
Actually, it was more than Parker. There were other folks, all deceased now, who put a lot of effort into the book.
I would not expect an update or replacement in my lifetime. Nobody has the coins or the knowledge to write it.
On the subject of new book authorship, Bosox (above) has been a godsend for Canadian large cent collectors and Canadian collectors in general. He researched for years, gathered like-minded collectors around him to exchange data to assist in accuracies and population sampling. I was fortunate enough to be able to help him with a few of the books, as were others in our niche numismatic circle. Bosox added to, and greatly expanded the work of some of the 2-3 pioneers that were around in our field in the 60's and 70's. I saw the pros and cons of publishing new material directly driven home in every point that he made in the above post. It ain't easy and takes alot out of you.
To all of the authors especially our coin authors over time, a great heartfelt thank you for sharing your talents and hard work to help enlighten all of us.
Rumor has it that BidAsk is working on a bilingual reference work that will replace Dunigan-Parker. It will be written in English and Mandarin.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
It's much easier to do now than 20+ years ago. You don't need to have the coins, or even specialize in that subject. Partnering with PCGS and NGC can get you access to all their images, plus other sources for 20+ years of detailed auction records. It would take time to analyze every Mint and date, but you would discover plenty of varieties in the process.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Personally, I don’t think pop reports can replace actually trying to search for the coins, seeing how they come, analyzing the coins in person, understanding their rarity, etc. Numbers in a chart don’t tell the whole story. And no one needs a book to condense them.
IMHO, armchair research is usually crap research (though it hasn’t seemed to hurt a certain young Mexican “researcher” for whom speculation is research).
I'm not talking about pop reports. My point is that 25 years ago you had to handle a lot of coins in-person in order to write about varieties and scarcity for a specialized series. Today you can have access to 20,000+ Cap and Rays images between the two grading services, most with decent enough resolution to be able to do die progression studies and identify varieties. As an armchair researcher and a variety hunter for over a decade, even without having access to NGC / PCGS image archives, I've been able to locate numerous varieties in the portrait series that have not been cataloged until relatively recently with Yonaka's books hitting the market (and even some after that).
When talking about Resplandores, 80% of the book is the description of coins and varieties with a scarcity rating with 20% being background research information. I think that 80% can be done today with a lot more ease than 25 years ago.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Okay the rumor has it... question failed to pass the straight face test... and I was nearly on board.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
These coins did not fail the test .
I’m on board.😀
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
For the vets on this series how many new coins (variations) do you believe could be added in a newer updated Resplandores? You guys must have some sens of what is not in the 1999 edition with all the years you have been collecting this series?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Could it not just be a side guide with the new variations would that not be cheaper to produce than a full new book?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
OK, no 2nd Edition.
So who's volunteering to instead do a book on the Cap & Ray minors?
That would be an awesome book to own!!! I can't imagine many people collect the 1/2 to 4 reales from that series. Not many ever come up for sale compared to the 8 reales.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Supposedly already done.
Very rare. Maybe rarer than the coins! I don’t even have a copy!
OK, I completely disagree, but I dare you!
And if you do the book and I think it’s quality, I’ll happily be your publisher and get it to print.
BTW, how do you see more than a few coins in the PCGS pop report? They show at most the 3 top coins in CoinFacts. And NGC, fagettaboutit.
Is there really a book on that series? Never seen one.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I just said there is.
There was a copy in Duane Douglas' final auction which I could not attend. And I lost it.
Estimate was 6000 Pesos, and I'm sure I bid more than that, but I did not get the PR.
Unfortunately the author is now ill and is no longer able to email with friends.
The fact that you’ve never seen it…. That doesn’t mean anything now, does it?
Edited to add: Lately book prices have been off the charts in Mexico! Literally crazy high.
Thanks always fun to learn!!! And yes there are many things I don't know but always willing to put the effort in to learn. Is the book 50/50 English and Spanish or?
That is not a cheap book that is 450$ Canadian.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
And we are right back to the central problem...$450 CAD or $330 USD is not expensive for such a book, andpeople will be unwilling to pay for the massive effort that it entails.
Latin American Collection
I thought MrE just might be having some fun with this... I had no idea you were contemplating the project... to include a Mandarin translation
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
You are right just at the moment it felt ''expensive''. I guess one has to pay up for such information. No more expensive than say 1 course at university (most likely 1000$ these days) at least here in Canada. I know some universities in the USA can cost more than the value of a house to complete a BA.
Knowledge is not free or cheap.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
"Knowledge is not free or cheap."
Nor is ignorance.
Agreed. I have spent a lot on books over the last 2-3 years maybe 3000$ (that is a lot compared to say if I collected Canadian coins and would have to spend maybe a few hundred dollars max) so I try to learn as much as I can but I am no expert or master. Still learning and will as much as I can. You can't compare me to guys that have been into world coins for decades that would not even make any sens.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
In other words, you (may) have knowledge, but you don’t have wisdom.
Which I guess is why you still buy damaged coins.
Been trying to find this book for months and this auction reference is the first sign that I've even seen of it being available. If anyone runs across it and does not want it, contact me. I don't mind paying you a finders fee.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
Jim Elliot
Hahaha come on guys I collect what I like I am OK with authentic coins as long as the eye appeal makes me happy. I have about 50/50 with numerical graded coins as well. You all know I can't afford mint state 1732-1771 8 reales and sometimes I can buy a numerical graded coin. To be honest the numerical coins don't make me any happier they are OK but my level of happiness does not change either way.
I have no one to give these coins to when my time comes to kick the bucket. I will die with them so what does it matter in the end. If I had kids or close family (and I mean good kids and family members) then maybe I would buy mostly numerical graded coins so they can profit from them. But I don't have either.
Once I leave this Earth who cares after that seriously what grades your coins were. I just want to meet God and go to Heaven now that to me matters. How I lived my life and not the grades of my coins.
To me that is wisdom.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
But for those that can afford better graded coins and have children all power to them to been able to leave a better collection for their loved ones.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I was curios and was able to find this conversation in video related to the book by the author, but no place to where can be found to buy it.
Thanks ELuis!!! Maybe we will get to the bottom of this mystery and find an image of the front cover.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Latin American Collection
Latin American Collection
That might sense if you never sell anything. But most of us sell off some of our coins as we learn and as our collections evolve. So, at least for most of us, resale value matters.
And FWIW, over the years, I’ve sold at least 90% of the coins I’ve bought with the intention of keeping them “forever”.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
I am not selling what I buy will be the coins that stay in my collection the rest of my life. I have zero intentions of upgrading any of my coins. I will stick to the series I collect and that will be that. I am strict on myself and will live by my creed.
And like I said once my time is up coins will be the last thing on my mind. Will put them in my will and they will be sold and the money donated to my local animal shelter. I am sure they will be happy with the funds and me as well knowing they are going to loving animals.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Thanks for posting looks like a great book. How many pages is it?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
You go ahead and collect whatever you like in whatever way suits you. If it simulates your mind and gives you a sense of adventure, who are we to argue?
That being said, a lot of people here know what they're taking about, among the best in the world even. When you ask for opinions, you're going to get them. You'll even get opinions that you don't ask for. That's ok. They have a different perspective.
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
I have to try just one last time, so two things to consider.
First, a big part of collecting is trying to build the best collection we can with the available resources. Doing that absolutely requires a willingness to let go of our worst coins, by our own parameters, to make room for better coins. And the process of doing so makes us better collectors, makes our collections better, and increases our activities and involvement in the hobby. All good, fun things.
Second, leaving your coins to the local animal shelter is a great thing to do, but leaving a more valuable collection would be even better. So even if you have no selfish reasons for building a better collection, consider doing it for the animals.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
I just hope that brick wall isn’t load-bearing.