1776 Continental Curency coin

Okay guys, I know this is probably a fake according to all I’ve read online but my great grandfather claimed it to be real so I’m finally getting around to look into it. I have tried to match it to real vs fake photos and I can’t seem to tell much of a difference 😅. Don’t be to hard on me please 🤣
Welcome to the forum.
The coin is a rather poorly done copy.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Yep copy. My wife's Papaw had saved one since the 60's. He didn't know it was a cast copy either. Some people have had these for years thinking they are real.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Welcome aboard.
Here's a page with high quality images of real ones, plus some pricing history and a little write up about the coin.
Thank you guys for all your help. @Gladiator Thank you for the info as well.
Hmm, it seems @Gladiator hasn’t been on since 2004…
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
Well, I guess he will be glad to get mentioned then 😅
We had a Louisiana Purchase coin too; I imagined that it entitled the owner to some large tract of land as a boy.
Yes, this is a replica. I believe they used to be sold in some museum gift shops. Low-quality copies like this (either of ancient or colonial coins) are often referred to as "tourist fakes", because they are made for sale to tourists.
@Chele ... Welcome aboard. Yes, tourist fake it a good term for that one... Don't be discouraged, as mentioned above, it happens since these were made for sale in gift shops. Good luck with your coins... Cheers, RickO
Welcome... Dang! It was worth a shot.