Two 1974 one Cent, was there a redesign? or just die deterioration

High everyone, I know of no varieties when it comes to this date, just looking for opinions on these two coins!
High everyone, I know of no varieties when it comes to this date, just looking for opinions on these two coins!
The "fat" date is probably due to a slight shift during hubbing of that particular die. In other words, a type of doubled die (but without clear separation of the two hubbings, there is no significant premium).
Both coins came from the same master hub.
Thank you! I just know there are a lot of DDO's out there in Variety Vista that talk of thick or wide letters without separation, apparently this one has just gone un-noticed, it was never about money for me, just knowledge, going to keep it and call it FAT date for my own error collection.
There are, in fact, what are rather inaccurately called large date and small date varieties for this date, and they are from two different hubs. But, since the mintage was roughly 50% of each, there is no premium for either one.
This would not be called an error, doubled die coins (if you had one) are varieties, not mint errors.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Here is a couple articles on the 74's. One from Lincoln Cent Resource and another from David Lange.
Sorry to hear David passed away. I always liked his articles.
This is so great! thank you!!!
Slightly 'fatter' numerals.... Good eye to pick it up... No numismatic premium, but interesting. Cheers, RickO