Magic / Magician tokens

I am a collector of magic related tokens and their associated items of historical significance. I buy, trade and I sell off duplicates when I make purchases of entire collections because there are always going to be duplicates when such a purchase is made. Magic tokens date as far back as the 1500's and are made from paper to gold and everything in between. Please feel free to contact me if you have an item that you think might be related or if you have questions in general concerning magic tokens.
The earliest known Magician's token from 1580.

Welcome to the forum!
Interesting topic to collect. You just never know what you might find behind someone's ear. If you find anything you better grab it quick because now you see and now you don't.
What’s even more interesting is getting a phone call one Sunday night from some guy named David who has an 85,000 sf library and Museum of Magic and he wants me to come over and show him how to organize the token portion of his collection…

I think I did a pretty decent job of it…
Very impressive collection and display. I would have to guess this is probably the largest of it's kind. It would make a very interesting numismatic book if you ever choose to publish one.
It’s already published and in print via paperback and hardcover but there’s no need to bother with those unless you’re into collecting books. I have made my book freely available in the form of a searchable PDF that I usually post content updates every 90 on and it can be downloaded from my website ENJOY!!!
A very impressive display of a great collection.
Kennedys are my quest...