in Sports Talk
I caught a tiny bit on TV about a NBA player flashing a gun. I only saw just a few seconds of it and have not seen or heard any more of it. I thought if that is the case I would be hearing much more about it. If that is true I would think that such player would most likely be suspended. Any updates on this or anyone know what really happened ?
Ja Morant. Who ever he is. At a strip club......
Who would have ever thought?🤔
if a picture is worth a thousand words, this one may be worth at least 10k
who might those two people on the couch be and what is strewn all over that room?
answers: Ja, a stripper, and thousands upon thousands of dollars in cash (he blew 50k in 2 days at that joint)
pains me to say this because I absolutely love his game, but Ja Morant may be the biggest imbecile in all of sports
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
and here's the aforementioned pic of him brandishing a the strip club
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
That is crazy. He should have done that at home, or at least where the whole world could not have seen. A very good way to ruin your career. Great role model.
Moronic behavior
I'm a huge gun guy but promote safety and responsibility above all and this type of stuff is neither
Meanwhile..... Back in the Real World were us mere mortals reside....Things aren't so bad......It stopped raining here today!!!...

So Little Princess Hydrantette Jenny went out into the Sunshine!
Count Your Blessings Boys....
Sorry to tell you but this is not Facebook
Hydrant,please believe that I'm saying this with as much affection as possible. Why would you post a picture of your granddaughter with a reference that it recently rained in a thread where Ja Morant has a stripper on his lap and what looks to be about 10K worth of rain around the room?
We all know how proud you are of her but you have the absolute worst timing when it comes to posting pics of her here. This was not a good thread for her to be in.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
With all due respect, Eric.....I have the best timing most likely of anyone you have ever known. That's why I got to where I am now....It's a sports thing......Timing is everything!.... AND.... Location, Location, Location!.... Timing and Location..... Without that......You're going Nowhere.....FAST!

Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
I know that......

I just thought I'd try to brighten things up around here.....
Talking about Thugs with guns and strippers isn't exactly my idea of a pleasant Sunday afternoon.
Bye, Bye....
This is a good thread.
...a little bit of everything.
Brighten up your own post.
I come on this sight to get away from the Facebook crap
Brother, I thought I did.....Brighten up my post.

And as far as Facebook?..... I don't even know what the Hell it is except for a website that teenage girls go to and post selfies of themselves in front of the bathroom mirror with the toilet in the background...... It's not my thing!...
I'm just trying to have fun!.....Lighten Up!
I have no problem of you posting your pictures on your post but please think,maybe everyone does not want it in their post.
If i am reading the the sports page or the news the last thing I want is Facebook type pictures in the middle.
When I say your post , what I mean is a post in which you started. I don't go into someones post and put all my family pictures and say look at me look at me . I am only asking for respect for the original poster who ever it may be.
O.K., pdoidoi.....I apologize...... I'll stick with the theme....

March Madness!!!!!
Duke over Virginia....59-49!!!!
Don't Mess With The Blue Devils!
That's not a good look. The smart thing would have been to take the pictures at the gun range and then I think most would not have any problems with the picture.
will Ja Morant card stock drop down & decrease?
I thiǹk the joint where it all went down is called "Shotgun Willie's Show Club"

So,....It all makes perfect sense....
No Big Deal.....
If any thought had been given to the possibility that someone like @hydrant would be using the picture as he did, without any attached contextual info, then maybe they would have done just that. Oooooor they didn't care. Either way, when I saw it I immediately searched it. I was curious. 🤷
I would guess increase now from the publicity and drop once this story fades away. People were paying absurd prices for Damar Hamlin's cards right after his near death experience. I'm sure his cards stock has dropped since but I honestly haven't checked.
I grew up in Denver and am familiar with the "Glendale" area (a very small City [about 1.5 square kilometers] surrounded mostly by the City of Denver). Glendale became its own City in 1952.
Glendale has (as long as I can remember) had nightclubs present and operating within its boundaries. In the 1970s' it had multiple discos that were always hopping. It does not surprise me that it also has clubs of the sort patronized by JA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and likely other professional athletes.
Funny story about a Glendale disco that I patronized while in college with some of my college hoop buddies.
For the 1968-1969 school year I was a 7th grader (13 years old) at a middle school in Denver. One of my teachers was an attractive young woman likely in her early to mid 20's.
Fast forward to either the 1976-1977 school year of the 1977-1978 school year when I was a junior or senior in college playing basketball on the college team (I was 21 or 22 years old at that time). Our team had a Denver road trip. After a road game in Denver me and some of my teammates went to a club in Glendale to have some fun (beers, food and dancing). While at the club, looking around at the other patrons, who did I see????
My middle school teacher from 7th grade, now about in her mid 30s.
I recognized her, told my teammates who she was and together we approached her and called out her name. She looked at us, recognized me and talked a little bit with us. However I could tell she was very uncomfortable with the idea of being seen in a Glendale club by a person (me) who she had as a 7th grade student 8 or 9 years earlier.
Ja Morant just got an 8 game suspension for this.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
What a confusing thread. But, back to Morant. what a moron.
I will never understand why prominent people consistently put themselves in these types of situations. If you want to drink, do it at home. when you are a celebrity, very little that is good will ever come from you going to a club/bar.
secondly, I am also a firearms enthusiast. Why Ja would want to show a firearm off in public like that is beyond me. and to think a $200 .380 is impressive enough to "show off" is foolish.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Why Ja would want to show a firearm off in public like that is beyond me.
Now I'm confused, Craig.
You said he's a moron.
And it's beyond you???
I'll clear it up for you.....
But you already knew that....
This kid is an absolute moron... he did it again.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
There are a lot of things I could say.
The behavior of people, both famous and non-famous, often leaves a lot to be desired.
Athletes, celebrities, and regular Joes all have a propensity for behavior which I personally dislike...and behavior which I find inspiring and truly worthy of praise.
There are large, enveloping statements I could make about the world, and life in general, which some would dislike. It's complicated.
In this specific case, I will say, jokingly, that atleast he is following the old adage of don't let the money change you.
Grizzlies suspended him (again) this morning
i'm gonna be completely honest. when i saw the still shot of him in that strip club room with guns, hos and thousands of dollars strewn all over the place, imo a caption should have been added: "this is what it looks like when you've reached the point of no return." in fact i remember saying if a picture is worth a thousand words, that one was worth at least 10,000.
much to my own personal unsurprise, here we are 2 months later and absolutely nothing has changed
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
He has a 5yr contract extension worth up to 231M that hasn't even started yet and this knucklehead is going to blow it before getting a single penny from it.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
what I don't get is: people are buying his material...
As I alluded to in my vague comment above, this new incident is rife with inspiration for talking points about society in general.
@galaxy27 , you mention seeing him in that picture, and thinking that it should come with a certain caption. This immediately brings to mind two avenues of thought, atleast for me. First, if you want to remove the guns and leave everything else the same, there are many athletes, celebrities, etc doing the exact same thing. Second, we are now in the midst of a meme culture. Perhaps, for the sake of the children (hello @hydrant ) these images of him should be in fact turned into a meme.
So if someone acts a certain way with, or without a gun, and everything else is left the same, is that other behavior something we should address or not.
Not every professional, multi multi multi millionaire lives the strip club lifestyle, but there are some that do. Should we be talking about that, and other things, or is it just the gun here? I'm curious to know how others feel?
of course there are countless athletes and celebrities who frequent those types of establishments. but how many scatter thousands of dollars all over a room, brandish guns repeatedly, and are flat-out brazen about it all? it's the amalgamation.
if i was the owner of the Memphis Grizzlies i'd be so sick to my stomach right now. the megastar on the roster is doing his very best to single-handedly wreck the organization because he is an unadulterated assclown who has completely lost his way.
edit: if the NBA truly cares about this situation (and its brand), they should suspend him for a year and if he does it again, drop-kick him out of the league for good.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
We don't need to talk about it but I'm really hoping this guy spent his last two nights since game 6 at the boom boom room.

Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
‘I’m tired of the moments of silence,’ says Warriors coach Steve Kerr as he makes powerful plea against gun violence.
“When are we going to do something? I’m tired. I’m so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families that are out there … I’m tired of the moments of silence. Enough.
That guy definitely needs to get a better grip on his organization. Between the Ja gun stuff, Ja's comments earlier in the season saying no team in the West scares the Grizz and Dillon Brooks running his big mouth to Lebron during their first round series, this is all stuff you usually don't see respectable teams doing.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
@galaxy27 As far as I know, the thing with the money is relatively commonplace among players who have that kind of money and do that sort of thing. The stories are online for us to find if we want. The pictures are usually limited to them being here, but still ...
there are many things that can be fixed: torn ACL's, flat tires, broken windows etc. but it is very very difficult to fix stupid. this guy just seems really and truly dumb. It is such bad form to be brandishing firearms. it makes all of us responsible gun owners look bad.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
One would think that JA learned his lesson back in March....
2 Wrong goings now don't make things right...
He's 23, not a kid.
From what I've heard, the money actually did. He was raised as a bit of a nerd in a two-parent middle class home. Now he's trying to put on some thug persona for some reason.
At 23 he's a young adult, the literal exact definition of a kid in the Cambridge dictionary.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
In all honesty, I shouldn't have said what I said. While I don't know much about Morant, I had read that this was more of a persona.
The primary definition on that page is "young child". says "child or young person".
If you've been able to legally drink for over 2 years, you're not a kid.
If you guys want to argue over semantics, you might be better served in the Yaz vs Beltre thread. 😂
Young adult is clear as day. What I'm trying to get is why you even care that I called him a kid lol, like me doing that somehow absolves him for his decision making when it doesn't.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: