I have to get this off my chest...

Over the recent years, I have seen more and more posts go down the drain as the OPs topic somehow goes off the rails and onto tangents that are not remotely related to the Discussion Title. I'm closing in on being a 19 year member here, I've kinda seen it all, somehow, and I don't know how, the board has become either a flame fest (short lived), posters getting the dreaded red box, just disappearing, or some posters making less than positive comments against other posters. All this is nonsense!!
If there is a Discussion Title that interests you, add to the discussion. If there's (for example) a discussion about the Red Sox, and then along comes a poster that wants to write about how great Bob Cousey was in Boston, it just doesn't belong under the OPs thread. This is a stretch of an example, but you wouldn't have to look very far (yes, on this page), to see how threads have been destroyed or hijacked into something not even close to the original discussion. Look to see if another poster might have posted about the same topic a few threads below...irritating to see multiples of the same subject.
Please let's respect the OP, what he/she has to say and go from there. If you disagree, disagree nicely, don't bomb the guy, that's just petty BS. If you want to post something on the silly side, like the occasional Reese's Pieces back and forth, stay within the thread and enjoy the moment. I'm sure Todd will speak up if we get too silly, silly.
Bottom line let's kinda upgrade this board and make it better, with thought provoking comments, input, and responses. If your thoughts don't relate to the OP, open your own thread and see where it goes.
I do miss Stevek.
The Topps thing is from the early 2000s, when I was very heavy into collecting this set. I put it together 3 times, all PSA NQ.
I once had the 16th best set, about 20 cards short of a straight PSA 8 set. It would now cost a small fortune to put it back together in the same grade. Sold the set and made a nice profit, needed cash to buy a new home, which is where I'm sitting. The cards were nice, but my home is exceptionally nice, I made the right decision. Livin' on the lake ain't bad.
At the end of the day, only a mod can truly steer and control the flow of threads in the way that you are suggesting. I feel as though we handle things pretty well around here, and even @AFLfan has offered his praise towards how the topics switch themselves up. Honestly, if you want that kind of power, apply to be a moderator.
How about some of the ridiculous threads that get started? Some are just idiotic.
The way I look at most of the threads here,If I don't care for the topic or don't have an opinion I just won't comment. Threads on one topic may end up veering off at some point,its happens,not just here but literally everywhere. I just never let something so trivial bother me.
Once you head down the Forum etiquette road when should you stop? Technicaily this is supposed to be the Sports Talk forum yet we see plenty of threads that have absolutely nothing to do with sports.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
I dont mind if threads i start veer off from topic. this is a discussion forum. Often when having a discussion, the topic changes or veers off course. it is a natural thing.
as far as etiquette, I think we all have pretty thick skin here. If any of us go over the line, I have found Todd to be very lenient with warnings before the red box appears.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Honestly, if you want that kind of power, apply to be a moderator.
Where on earth did you come up with that comment? I have ZERO desire to do so and empahatically reject your statement. Try reading my post again, does it really look like I'm soliciting for power?
Think before you post such nonsense!!!
I can see where power was the wrong word. I take it back. It's more like influence over how threads here play out.
As others mentioned, threads sort of follow a natural flow, like conversations. And not all conversations are the same. Some people maintain focus more often, some people need that focus, some people are irritated when things go off track.
I think that as long as there is not a nefarious attempt to derail a thread for personal reasons, there shouldn't be an issue.
I do have a suggestion, however. @AFLfan please let me know what you think. On some sites, thread starters are able to add "tags" such as serious, and that means that joking responses are not to be included. I know that the forum is not set up with this functionality, but perhaps we could take it up on ourselves to do it.
Interesting thoughts, Al. I generally feel that the less input I need to give, the better the forum is running. There are certainly threads that go off the rails; sometimes the original subject just runs out of gas and other times people intentionally/unintentionally hijack it. I would just suggest that people try to be a bit more conscious and courteous in their posting. Please try to stay on topic much as possible.
As for "tags," there is a tagging area at the bottom of the screen when someone is starting a new thread. I would suggest people use it if they really want to keep things on track.
Thank you for your input! I seriously appreciate it! This place is very important and critical to me. I didn't realize we could tag things.
I think that generally, If we all steer clear of politics and religion, most threads will progress pretty smoothly.
I love to talk politics as much as anyone, but this is not the place
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Sorry I'm so late to respond I been off grid on a work trip to Missouri since Saturday AM
Yes Driving from Massachusetts to Missouri and back
Nothing nice
That being said, I read all the posts here and double read my friend @MCMLVTopps opening post.
My opinion is threads are like roads and take many different routes, they always have and always will, I'm guilty of it myself but every forum I've been on and I've been on quite a few, sports, guns, flashlights, knives and political venues and they are all the same in regards to going off topic with fighting and spoof posts ect..
I think what we have here is fun and informative, I know a couple people here that post probably do not like many if at all any of my posts and probably can't stand me but I couldn't care less, I still enjoy being here and honestly do appreciate the guys that post stuff that I disagree with because they are participating and are doing their part to keep this place going.
My policy is and has been the same since I started here back in 2004 and that is to take a break from everyday life and talk sports with the people here, if I get annoyed I simply avoid a topic or don't post, if I'm arguing with someone I do my best to not cross any lines and get personal because we are all entitled to our opinions right wrong or indifferent.
You guys are all my sports talk friends here whether we agree or not and if you can't stand me thats ok too, I'm simply going to keep enjoying this community
Cheers 🍻 to all
Preky, Good Old Buddy-Buddy, Why did have to drag me into your rant? What exactly have I ever said that makes you think that I can't stand you? And, my feelings are butt-hurt because you couldn't care less about me. I'M DEVASTATED!
OH, Yea......Welcome Back. 😁🍺
My take on topics that go astray.
Some of these astray topics I like and some I don't (so I quit following these). In some of these that go astray, they can turn out funny (at least to me) or I find out more about some of forum members that would not have come out if the thread had stayed on discussion (DD's Patti Labell sweet potatoe pies or the little Hydrants). How many memories do we each have about something that happened that was unplanned? example being a family vacation that was all planned out, but somehow you got lost or there was a gorgeous women driving a sports car that kept pulling up to your station wagon during the drive.
And then there are some threads that stay on topic, but are dominated by 2 or 3 posters who go on for pages arguing the same thing over and over. I can watch or listen to sports talk for this (if I wanted to, but don't).
PS most of my comments are meant to be funny, as I come here to get away from the everyday world nonsense.
Fixed. 😎
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
No thread is complete without a Mike Schmidt vs George Brett debate
Guilty as charged, I repent, I will try to do better about not derailing threads.
I enjoyed SteveK's posts as much as the next guy but let's not pretend he wasn't just as argumentative (at times) if not more so than the next guy...On the whole, I think Todd does an outstanding job moderating this and the "main" forum here on CU.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
He overreacted big time when Todd politely asked him not to make any references to Hitler, he got all upset and quit CU over it,it was stupid.
I remember after the Penn State scandal with Sandusky and Paterno he stormed off for awhile then too but came back, I am surprised we havnt seen him back again but at this point t I think it's highly unlikely.
Steve genuinely thought he was far more intelligent than anyone he was talking too, I thought it was funny lol
He literally took his toys and went home.
I am also surprised he never returned.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
i liked ol' stevek. far be it from me to tell anyone how to feel, but i remember his exit being quite the overreaction. i also remember Todd being super perplexed as to what just happened here.
truthfully i would have been as well -- stevek acted like no one had ever taken issue with something he said in his entire life. and seeing as i took umbrage with a number of things that rolled off his fingers, that can't possibly be the case. 😅
here's hoping he returns one day
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet