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Wasn't expecting this...

We were set up at a show in Spartanburg, sc this past weekend. A customer came up to my tables and told me he had 10 Jefferson Nickel sets to sell 1938-1982s.

I took a quick glance through them as it was the busiest time of the day. He told me a number he wanted for all of them. Being I was rushed I decided what the heck ill buy them. He continued to tell me he was a jefferson nickel expert and was selling his junk sets to fund a nice slabbed set. After a short conversation, he left pplease and I threw the albums on my back table with my ever growing pile of purchases.

Fast forward to yesterday I was taking the albums apart and found something you don't see everyday stuck in a whitman folder well 2 things actually

A proof type 2 war nickel

And this variety, was in one of the albums. I ironically just bought a few of from a member here to have for inventory last week and then this one shows up. Definatly a better grade then I'm used to seeing

New inventory added daily at Coins Make Cents


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