Memphis Show 2/24-2/26

I will have a table with some nice foreign stuff- colonial Latin America , Britain and Commonwealth.
I will post table number when I know it.
Please come see me if you live within driving distance.
Yorkshireman,Obsessed collector of round, metallic pieces of history.Hunting for Latin American colonial portraits plus cool US & British coins.
Wish I knew about it sooner I would've attended. Is it a large show? My Web Gallery
The best collecting goals lie right on the border between the possible and the impossible. - Andy Lustig, "MrEureka"
Never been but I think it should be fairly large- Coinzip shows 72 tables.
Hope you will come!
How did this turn out? Hopefully it turned out well
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
The show was incredibly busy for most of the day Friday and Saturday,
If you’re within comfortable driving distance, you should go next year.
How was buying and selling for you
Latin American Collection
This is good to hear. I shall try and make an effort to attend next year. My Web Gallery
The best collecting goals lie right on the border between the possible and the impossible. - Andy Lustig, "MrEureka"
I sold a decent amount for having as small an inventory as I do.
I only bought two coins: a proof US nickel and a very colorfully toned George VI Canadian quarter.
I tried to buy a third piece to keep for myself and not resell. It needs to be in my “Whatever I want it to be” Box of 20.
Had I been able to work out the deal, that would have made the show. I found a beautiful 18th century 2 ducats gold coin. The dealer was asking almost twice what one sold for in January a grade higher. He had a $9000 sticker in it. He quickly dropped it to $8000. No thanks.
I went to see him again after researching auction prices. Found the one just mentioned that sold for $5000. When shown the facts , I learned he “couldn’t possibly” take less than $7500.
He must not want to sell it….
Depressing we couldn’t come to an agreement.