If Tom Brady played in the 70s?

in Sports Talk
I am starting this thread at the recommendation of @thisistheshow. So what do you think, would Tom Brady have dominated in the 70s, the days when beasts like Jack Lambert and Deacon Jones roamed the gridiron? The guys from that era were no joke, they were intense.
@thisistheshow, I just picked a random era, you can discuss another era if you like.

Bradshaw and Stabler would have still been the dominant force. Raiders and Steelers......Because that's the way the game was played then.
And give Tom Landry and the Cowboys credit where credit is due...
Landry saw the change coming before anyone else...He adapted...

A visionary...
The Shotgun.... Rodger Staubach.....
He was the game changer.....Run and Gun...
It was a different game back then.....
No resemblance to what you see today....
But......Tommy IS the GOAT!
The 70s were certainly a frightening era if you were a quarterback.
Early 70s not as much as it was still a run oriented offense.
By the mid to late 70s, the passing game was beginning to prosper. Fouts, Sipe, Kenny Anderson, tommy Kramer were racking up some impressive yardages/
I think that he could have played well in any era, and that he had the physical and mental makeup to be elite. I'll get into more later. 🤣
I have to hand it to Brady, he was tough as old leather boots, he took some vicious shots in his career and got back up and kept going.
If Tom Brady played in the 70s?
What team would he be on?
Ok, now if Tom Brady is/was on the Cowboys, would Roger be traded? would Roger sit the bench? or will would Tom Landry go with the duel quarterbacks?
Now too...If Roger was traded; what team would Roger be on?
I am and will have a lot thought into this...
right now I'm thinking about Tom Brady's Cowboys and I'll work with the NFC East teams first to break it down.
and would it be a 14 or 16 game schedule?
also who would the Cowboys be playing on that Thanksgiving day?
Wow, that's a lot to process, on second thought, we'll put him on the Chargers!
Ok, Tom is now with Air Coryell; I can work with that…
Tom has Charlie, John & Kellen which is a good thing…
My next question is what offensive lineman would Johnny Sanders pick in the draft to save Tom from:
Ted Hendricks, Rod Martin, Otis Sistrunk, Randy McClanahan, Phil Villapiano, Tom Jackson, Randy Gradishar, Lyle Alzado, LC Greenwood, Ernie Holmes, Joe Greene, Dwight White, Jack Ham, Jack Lambert…..
Either one of these guys would be a great start, I want Tommy to have the best!
I just threw up in my mouth a little
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Great players would be great no matter what era they played in.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I agreed. But I think there are small caveats to this.
For example, I believe that it is within the realm of possibility that there are NBA payers deemed "great" who, due to their diminutive statures, would be unable to translate their game to another era.
This is actually something I know a bit about. The Chargers O-line back then was solid. Billy Shields was probably the weak link at tackle, but Ed White, Don Macek, Doug Wilkerson and Russ Washington were studs.
He'd now be 70 years old.
Is there any question that a 6'4" guy who can read defenses like they're a 3rd grade comic book, has a very strong arm, and is exceptionally accurate would do well? He probably wouldn't play until he was 45 but he would absolutely have excelled.
@doubledragon, I was at that game when Joe "Turkey" Jones planted Bradshaw in the infield at Muny Stadium. It was one of the most vicious plays I've ever seen, the crowd gasped and then cheered till they realized Bradshaw was hurt.
Great players would be great no matter what era they played in.
Taken on it's face value I agree with this statement until you realize the difference in the rules which are now specifically in place to protect a QB and receivers. No hook slide, no tuck rule, no above the shoulder or below the knee protection, no Intentional Grounding protection, no defenseless receiver, bump-and-run, different definition/interpretation of holding, different definition/interpretation of Pass Interference, etc, etc, etc.
It was a different game. During the 1970's the only saving grace for Tom Brady would have been that he'd have been handing the ball off a lot. With no running game and passing the ball 50 times every week he'd have been in real danger.