I mean $1 Pres errors 😜 Specifically with the "side lettering? I have studied the "striking " procedure.... But unfortunately I haven't brushed up on my Martian🧟 in quite sometime🤔🙄
Hi😊 Okay so I'm a little afraid of asking 🙄 But.... Ok I'll risk it.... 🤣 On the Pres Dollars, via PCGS and Pres Mint info, I see they have some error coins. The ones on both sides make total sense to me. However, I have (be 🤐 quiet) one that has the Inverted edging which is easy to understand, but also (2) backsword "2" s (like a clash).
Now, one person said that it could be incidental. But I find that extremely hard to believe not only bcuz of the positioning of the 2's on the edge, but the fact that both backsword 2's are raised. Now I may not be a rocket scientist anymore, but I'm also not totally stupid🤔😉 (at least outside of the coin world🤣🤣). I highly doubt an incidental strike, from a recessed hit, would leave two perfectly raised 2's, let alone be centered and facing two different ways. Have you heard of this at all? Yes, I know what you're going to say, but even without a picture, holding all things constant.... Not gonna happen, right?
Btw, the two facing ways: one would be North & South (using obverse& reverse) and the other direction would be Easy and West (laying backswords-sideways)....🙄🤔🤔
Also, your eye appt. had been postponed. She feels the Snellen Chart may be far too challenging for your sight range. And also, she's ordering higher magnification fittings for the Proropter & Auto Refractor🤣🤣🤣😉🥰
So are you the "overseer" of the grave yard shift? Oof this site??
And did you look at the 1956 D coin sweetie?? I feel as if that's an easy one 😁
I know I'm right on the mule coin, but I have another strange conundrum. Are you ready for it? And do you know anything about the $1 Pres. Coins?
I certainly don't want to stress you out and assume you know way too much🙄😉
But you've been so very helpful I can't resist...
"And did you look at the 1956 D coin sweetie??"
Yes, it looks like a nice one!
"I certainly don't want to stress you out and assume you know way too much"
No stress here.

I don't know too much..... I don't even know your favorite color.
"And do you know anything about the $1 Pres. Coins?"
I know they are worth at least a dollar.
Lol... Ok so you got me back😉
Please try to solve the newest riddles I have, would you please???
I mean $1 Pres errors 😜 Specifically with the "side lettering? I have studied the "striking " procedure.... But unfortunately I haven't brushed up on my Martian🧟 in quite sometime🤔🙄
What questions do you have about the edge lettering?
Hi😊 Okay so I'm a little afraid of asking 🙄 But.... Ok I'll risk it.... 🤣 On the Pres Dollars, via PCGS and Pres Mint info, I see they have some error coins. The ones on both sides make total sense to me. However, I have (be 🤐 quiet) one that has the Inverted edging which is easy to understand, but also (2) backsword "2" s (like a clash).
Now, one person said that it could be incidental. But I find that extremely hard to believe not only bcuz of the positioning of the 2's on the edge, but the fact that both backsword 2's are raised. Now I may not be a rocket scientist anymore, but I'm also not totally stupid🤔😉 (at least outside of the coin world🤣🤣). I highly doubt an incidental strike, from a recessed hit, would leave two perfectly raised 2's, let alone be centered and facing two different ways. Have you heard of this at all? Yes, I know what you're going to say, but even without a picture, holding all things constant.... Not gonna happen, right?
Btw, the two facing ways: one would be North & South (using obverse& reverse) and the other direction would be Easy and West (laying backswords-sideways)....🙄🤔🤔
Also, your eye appt. had been postponed. She feels the Snellen Chart may be far too challenging for your sight range. And also, she's ordering higher magnification fittings for the Proropter & Auto Refractor🤣🤣🤣😉🥰
Oh gosh. In regards to your "must be an off Center clash".... Yes, considering I hope center means what I think, there are lots of them (strikes).
"but also (2) backsword "2" s (like a clash)...... but the fact that both backsword 2's are raised."
Not sure how you could get 2 backwards 2's that are raised, sorry.