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New Top 100 Modern Set coming - It's here now.



  • johnny010johnny010 Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just grabbed a 15 Narrow as well
    Family and friends :-)

  • bramn8rbramn8r Posts: 882 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I've started this set and have found that it's going to be nearly impossible to finish. The coins I have are some of my favorites and I'm glad to own coins in this set. I hope this set might change some day with more common, but just as important ones added. The other members have great sets so far. Impressive.

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @bramn8r said:
    I've started this set and have found that it's going to be nearly impossible to finish. The coins I have are some of my favorites and I'm glad to own coins in this set. I hope this set might change some day with more common, but just as important ones added. The other members have great sets so far. Impressive.

    Congratulations for starting the set. There really are some very nice collectable coins in it. However, there are also some like the questionable Sacagawea mule and 1964 SMS coins that I will not collect, as I don't feel they were ever intended as production coins. I also think "modern coins" really start in 1965 when 90% silver was no longer struck for coin circulation.

    The other error coins in the set are coins struck for production, but with unintended or overlooked dies or die collars due to mint employee mistakes, as well as true uncommon double strikes. The 2004 Wisconsin high and low leaf coins are interesting, and it is not really certain why there were a couple dies with the extra leaves.

    There are also a surprising number of no "S" coins in the set. One of my favorites is the 2000 $10 Library of Congress uncirculated bimetallic coin with gold and platinum and only 7,261 were struck. I think it is undervalued.

    I asked PCGS to consider doing a special label for these. I have a lot of coins in the set that I would like to get True View photos of, and if there was a special Top 100 label it might be fun to do some $25 gold shield reholdering.

  • johnny010johnny010 Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Goldminers said:

    @bramn8r said:
    I've started this set and have found that it's going to be nearly impossible to finish. The coins I have are some of my favorites and I'm glad to own coins in this set. I hope this set might change some day with more common, but just as important ones added. The other members have great sets so far. Impressive.

    Congratulations for starting the set. There really are some very nice collectable coins in it. However, there are also some like the questionable Sacagawea mule and 1964 SMS coins that I will not collect, as I don't feel they were ever intended as production coins. I also think "modern coins" really start in 1965 when 90% silver was no longer struck for coin circulation.

    The other error coins in the set are coins struck for production, but with unintended or overlooked dies or die collars due to mint employee mistakes, as well as true uncommon double strikes. The 2004 Wisconsin high and low leaf coins are interesting, and it is not really certain why there were a couple dies with the extra leaves.

    There are also a surprising number of no "S" coins in the set. One of my favorites is the 2000 $10 Library of Congress uncirculated bimetallic coin with gold and platinum and only 7,261 were struck. I think it is undervalued.

    I asked PCGS to consider doing a special label for these. I have a lot of coins in the set that I would like to get True View photos of, and if there was a special Top 100 label it might be fun to do some $25 gold shield reholdering.

    Good insights

    What do the coins that should be reconsidered (64 Sac mule) cost on the open market?

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 26, 2023 4:20AM

    @johnny010 said:

    @Goldminers said:

    @bramn8r said:
    I've started this set and have found that it's going to be nearly impossible to finish. The coins I have are some of my favorites and I'm glad to own coins in this set. I hope this set might change some day with more common, but just as important ones added. The other members have great sets so far. Impressive.

    Congratulations for starting the set. There really are some very nice collectable coins in it. However, there are also some like the questionable Sacagawea mule and 1964 SMS coins that I will not collect, as I don't feel they were ever intended as production coins. I also think "modern coins" really start in 1965 when 90% silver was no longer struck for coin circulation.

    The other error coins in the set are coins struck for production, but with unintended or overlooked dies or die collars due to mint employee mistakes, as well as true uncommon double strikes. The 2004 Wisconsin high and low leaf coins are interesting, and it is not really certain why there were a couple dies with the extra leaves.

    There are also a surprising number of no "S" coins in the set. One of my favorites is the 2000 $10 Library of Congress uncirculated bimetallic coin with gold and platinum and only 7,261 were struck. I think it is undervalued.

    I asked PCGS to consider doing a special label for these. I have a lot of coins in the set that I would like to get True View photos of, and if there was a special Top 100 label it might be fun to do some $25 gold shield reholdering.

    Good insights

    What do the coins that should be reconsidered (64 Sac mule) cost on the open market?

    The 2000 Sac mule with 25C obverse MS65 last sold one year ago at Heritage for $144,000. There are around 18 known to have escaped destruction by Mint employees since the errors were discovered. Another unique Sac mule has a South Carolina reverse. The fact some of these that remain were stolen by Mint employees makes me consider them questionable.

    Since there are several other US mules that exist, the Sac with the 25C obverse is not even the rarest. To me all mules are sort of a unique category that I think should be mentioned in the description of a Top 100 modern coin set, but none should be included as required registry set line items.

    Here are some details of the $192,000 NGC MS67 that sold at Stacks Bowers in May 2018:

    Extraordinary Sacagawea Dollar / Washington Quarter Muling Die Pair #1 The 17th Known Example A New Addition to the Census (2000)-P Sacagawea Dollar--Muled with a Statehood Quarter--MS-67 (NGC). A gorgeous specimen of this incredible rarity showcasing golden tan surfaces with areas of richer honey coloration throughout. The overall pristine surfaces are complemented by satiny, cartwheeling luster and bold definition to the design elements. Die striations at the border are as seen on all known examples, creating a spectacular sunburst effect most dramatic on the obverse.

    Mules - coins struck using two dies intended for two different coins - have long been a "Holy Grail" of error coins for generations. In most cases, mules are intentionally produced using deliberate pairings of entirely unrelated dies purely for the purpose of creating numismatic delicacies in very small quantities intended for highly specialized collections. Such fanciful creations are familiar in many numismatic disciplines and such items may be found in a bewildering array of combinations and metals. Far rarer are those mules created purely by accident or happenstance, especially employing dies from two different denominations. Among all the coins produced at the United States Mint, muling errors are of the highest rarity and were once branded an impossibility. With modern minting equipment and tracking technologies, it would seem that muling errors are even more unlikely except under very specific and most serendipitous circumstances. Just such an event occurred in early 2000 at the Philadelphia Mint that resulted in the best known of all muling errors, coins struck using Washington Statehood quarter obverse dies and the reverse dies of the newly introduced Sacagawea dollar on the new dollar planchets. The stage for the Sacagawea Dollar / Washington Statehood Quarter mule has its origins back in 1979 with the introduction of the Susan B. Anthony dollar. The size of the new smaller dollar coin at 26.5 mm was sufficiently close enough to the quarter (24.3 mm) that the coins were frequently confused with quarters, prompting considerable complaints about the new coins. The Susan B. Anthony dollars were produced for circulation for only two years before the design was shelved in 1981. Nearly twenty years later, the Anthony dollar design was briefly resurrected in 1999 in preparation for the production of a new dollar coin, one that would be sufficiently different from the quarter to minimize the risk of confounding the two denominations. The new design by Glenna Goodacre featured a representation of the Lemhi Shoshone woman Sacagawea on the obverse and a flying eagle on the reverse was introduced the following year. While the new Sacagawea dollar employed an entirely new golden colored alloy and bore a smooth edge, one thing that did not change was the diameter. The 2.2 mm difference between the two denominations may indeed have been equally confusing to Mint personnel. There may have been another contributing factor at work. According to leading error coin expert Fred Weinberg, around 1998 or 1999, the Mint instituted an Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule that employees in specific roles be rotated into other positions on a periodic basis. Sometime in either April or early May of 2000, just such a staff rotation may have occurred at the Die Room. A coin press operator arrived at the Die Room requesting an obverse die for the new Sacagawea dollar. The employee in the Die Room picked out what they thought was a Sacagawea obverse die, but was instead an obverse die for a quarter. Neither the Die Room employee nor the press operator took off the protective plastic cover off the die to double check, and so it was put in the hammer (or upper) position in the press and coining began with the Sacagawea dollar reverse die in place. Perhaps lack of familiarity with die sizes as well as procedure in the Die Room alongside the failure to check the dies before installation led to a "perfect storm" of events leading to the error. What makes this error especially perplexing is that three different die pairs have been identified among all the known specimens. Precisely how this occurred is pure supposition at this point; it is quite possible that the Die Room handed out incorrect dies to three separate press operators before the error was caught after several thousand impressions. The die pairs can be identified thusly: Die Pair 1: There is a die crack on the reverse in the F in OF in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA unique to this pairing. The obverse die shows the radial stress striations typically found when dies from two different sizes are used together. This is the most frequently seen of the three die pairs with a total of twelve specimens known, including the present coin. Die Pair 2: The obverse die is perfect with no distinguishing marks, but the reverse bears three die cracks: one projecting from the star above the E of ONE, a second by the star above the D in Dollar, and a third crack running by the wing above the same two letters. Only three coins are known from this die pairing. Die Pair 3: The obverse die is mostly fresh with the exception of a tiny gouge in front of Washington's lips. The reverse die is in pristine with no distinguishing marks of note. Two coins are known from this pair.

    Once discovered, Mint employees combed through the bins where the freshly struck coins were deposited and culling out all the muled coins they could and destroyed all of them, or so they thought. A few managed to escape and in late May of 2000 the first example was found in a roll of the new Sacagawea dollars by Frank Wallis in Arkansas. Attention was already being paid to the new coin design when news reports started to come out through various press channels and the hunt was on. While there was some initial debate as to the authenticity of the error, as well as the legality of owning the coins, the Mint acknowledged the error as genuine on June 19. We (Bowers and Merena) sold that rare discovery piece at the August 2000 American Numismatic Association Millennium Sale for $29,900. This shocked everyone as this Mule was virtually unknown at the time. It had been reported that examples sold privately in the neighborhood of $250,000 in 2007/2008, and an example sold for as high as $158,625 in our August 2008 Philadelphia ANA sale. Precisely how they escaped the Mint's dragnet is unclear, though most seem to have passed through normal official channels.

    A couple of coins seemed to have had questionable origins and the resulting investigation found two Mint employees complicit in smuggling a few out and selling them for personal gain, for which both individuals were found guilty and sentenced to probation, house arrest, and fines. In its sentencing memorandum in 2005, the Treasury made it clear that their goal was not to seize the coins but "to punish the defendant and to deter theft by current and future Mint employees and other government employees," effectively resolving any question of legality.

    A total of 24 muling error coins of all types are presently known in all of American numismatics, making this the undisputed title holder of "king of all error coins." Until now, 16 examples of the Washington Statehood quarter/Sacagawea dollar muling were known until the discovery of the present coin.

    The remaining known muling error coins of all types are: 1. Roosevelt dime double reverse, undated but believed to be 1965 or 1966; unique. There is some circumstantial evidence that this coin along with the following two quarters may have been the product of midnight Mint machinations and intentionally made. 2. Washington quarter double reverse, undated but believed to be 1965 or 1966; two known. 3. 1993-D Lincoln Cent obverse with Roosevelt Dime reverse, struck on a cent planchet; unique. 4. 1995 Lincoln Cent obverse with Roosevelt Dime reverse, struck on a dime planchet; unique. 5. 1999 Lincoln Cent obverse with Roosevelt Dime reverse, struck on a cent planchet; unique. 6. 2000-P Jefferson Nickel double obverse; unique.

    How many Sacagawea dollar/quarter mules escaped into circulation is not known but considering how few coins have so far been found in the intervening years even with the media attention, it is unlikely many more (if any) will be found. Among world coins, muling errors occur on a comparatively more frequent basis and are an especially popular field for specialists. This is not the case for U.S. coins where the opportunities to obtain a mule of a coin intended for circulation are precious few and very far between. Here is a fantastic Superb Gem example of a famous and coveted rarity that will be talked about for generations to come. NGC Census: 6; none finer. PCGS# 508061. NGC ID: CWUN.

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 25, 2023 11:16AM

    Additional information copied from the 18th Sac mule text that sold for $120,000 Jan 2019 at Heritage.

    As late as 2010 -- a decade after the initial discovery -- only 10 different examples of the error had been documented. Additional finds have occurred since then, although the infrequency with which new pieces have been brought forward cannot even be called a trickle -- what has been a glacially slow increase in the mule's known population over the past eight years has been vastly outpaced by growth in collector demand for this intriguing rarity.

    Fred Weinberg, coauthor of 100 Greatest U.S. Error Coins, records just 17 distinct examples of the Sacagawea dollar/Washington quarter mule, and they are struck from three different die pairs: Die Pair #1, the variety of the discovery coin, has a distinctive die crack at the F in OF; Die Pair #2 has three die cracks along and below the bottom edge of the eagle's lower wing; Die Pair #3 has a perfect reverse with a small die gouge on the obverse in front of Washington's lips. The existence of three die pairs suggests that the Mint's blunder was either not isolated to one press operator and one die swap, or Mint employees intentionally recreated the fantastic error with different dies after the initial discovery was made public. The legality of owning examples from any die pair has never been challenged.

    Most of the mules are from Die Pair #1, the variety of the discovery coin and of others that were found in commercial channels. Almost all are tightly held in private collections. The following is every known public auction offering of a Sacagawea dollar/Washington quarter mule, all varieties, in ascending order by date of appearance:

    MS66 PCGS. Die Pair #1. Philadelphia ANA (Bowers and Merena, 8/2000), lot 148, realized $29,900. The "Discovery" coin.
    MS67 NGC. Die Pair #2. Sold on eBay by Delaware Valley Rare Coin Co., Bromall Pennsylvania, for $41,395; Long Beach Signature (Heritage, 6/2001), lot 6737, realized $56,350.
    MS66 NGC. Die Pair #2. Philadelphia Signature (Heritage, 8/2000), lot 6452, realized $31,050.
    MS67 NGC. Die Pair #1. Philadelphia ANA (Stack's Bowers, 8/2012), lot 11642, realized $158,625.
    MS66 PCGS. Die Pair #1. FUN Signature (Heritage, 1/2013), lot 5756, realized $88,125.
    MS67 NGC. Die Pair #1. Baltimore Auction (Stack's Bowers, 3/2018), lot 2382, realized $192,000.

    Also, it is documented in text from the $144,000 sale in May 2022 of the MS65+ Fred Weinberg specimen, that "Most examples are tightly held by New Mexico numismatist Tommy Bolack, who has acquired pieces as they appear at market over the past 20 years."

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Some additional commentary on the 1964 SMS coins.

    Several researchers do not feel the 1964 SMS coins are even special dies or finishes but are just quality early strikes like those given to the Smithsonian Institution. There is no documented proof from any historical Mint records that special dies were made or used. This is why I think these should be mentioned in the new Top Modern Set description, but not be given separate line items that are required.

    Most seem to only be graded SMS if there is Eva Adams estate provenance yet there are several graded SMS that are not from the same dies, and they are even different in appearance based on the True View photos of those graded.

    link to recent discussion in the US Coin forum.

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