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What a difference lighting makes...

LazybonesLazybones Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭✭✭

I picked this up on eBay. I looked at the sellers pictures and saw a well worn HK-398 with a fungus problem but I took a chance anyway. I figured I could experiment with it.

When it arrived it looked nothing like it did in the auction. The difference is instead of receiving a F-VF SCD it came as a solid AU (fungus notwithstanding). Below are the seller's photos and below them are mine. See how much detail was missing because the seller used poor lighting. No wonder there were only two bids on it.

SELLER'S PHOTOS (Unk equipment):

MY PHOTOS (iPhone on copy stand under LED):

USAF (Ret) 1974 - 1994 - The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. Remembering RickO, a brother in arms.


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