My last post for some time. Blackjack anyone?

As I go, I thought I would attempt to leave something of value for those who enjoy the casino experience from time to time, and a topic I know a good bit about, blackjack. If you are casino averse, or have no interest, don't bother to read further. However, if you do play and want to sharpen your game, I hope the link and a few comments may up your game.
A few pointers from personal experience...
NEVER take money to a casino that will impact your life or your family's life one iota. I have seen many desperate gamblers!
NEVER play hunches, "I knew he had a 10", "I knew I was gonna bust", that's all BS. Take what comes and play on.
NEVER, and I do mean N E V E R drink more than you can handle. Your brain simply can't process when you're brain is foggy, I don't care who you are. I see this all the time, the booze is free, and I'm gonna drink. Then don't play.
ALWAYS be nice to the pit staff, they are not your enemy. Better you have a good rapport with them than not.
LEARN Basic Blackjack strategy cold, cold to the point you can in 1 or 2 seconds know what to do vs the dealer's up card.
KNOW that you will have losing sessions, deal with the emotion and play another day.
DON'T play with drunk players or those who chastise you for "taking the dealer's bust card". Ignore them or move to another table. If it gets really pissy, call the pit super over to resolve the issue. You play your cards as you see fit.
DON'T DON'T give advice, you're only inviting a problem. IF somebody asks you, that's different.
TIPPING Is a personal decision, I'm there to make a withdrawal, not a deposit. If the dealer is rude or condescending, I either move or just don't tip. Generally I toss a $5 chip once in a while above my bet, but I'm not a good tipper, and NEVER tip when I'm losing.
Just a few, but you get the idea, enjoy the experience.
How do I play? I play at a $25 or $50 table. I once watched Michael Jordan play blackjack at the Mirage, betting about a 2 inch tall stack of $500 chips each hand and didn't phase him in the least, awesome to watch.
I generally play at a table where 6 decks are used. I do try to find a double deck game.
I generally take $1.5k with me. My goal is to win $1k, if I reach my goal, I color up and head to the cashier. If I lose $1k, I'm gone. The "extra" cash is in case I have committed to a large bet that requires me to double down and I need to cover that bet. I could take $5k or more, but having done so in the past, I've learned not to go down the rabbit hole and chase my losses. I am VERY disciplined while playing. I play a rock solid basic strategy game (link and pic below), I almost play like a machine.
I do not recommend beginning at that level. If you have a local casino and wanna get your feet wet, find a $10 table and watch for a while to see how things go. If you play, you know what I mean.
Basic strategy is mathematically proven to reduce the casino edge and give you the best scenarios for having a winning session. You have to determine your "winning session". If you play at a $10 table, take $200 and see what happens, if you feel good winning $100, good for you, pays for the gas and lunch. Learn to walk away a winner!!! Of course you may want to really up your game and learn to count cards, this puts you into a much different posture, one that requires much practice, and not having the casino determine that you're a card counter. If discovered, they can and will 86 you and will ban you from that casino and others.
Trust me on this, I could tell stories of friends being perp walked like they'd robbed a bank.
I don't want to get kinda lost in the weeds here, but I really enjoy blackjack. I could write a good while about the things I've experienced, the celebrities I've seen and played with, the crazy people and the thrills of winning nice cash. I was once RFB at the Mirage in Vegas, which meant my Room Food and Beverages were all comped, not to mention comped show tickets. It was a nice epxerience.
In addition to the attached link, there is an excellent webiste to review if interested. You can play blackjack in a simulator to learn the proper plays. It's not a tough game, you only hit, stand, double down, or split. I will also attach a pic of a basic strategy card which is exactly how I play. Know what surrender is and use it when the play calls for it, it will impact your session result.
I hope this may be of interest to those of you who want to either learn the game, or up your game. Its fun, and enjoyable. Always, always play smart!!
Best to everyone!
Hope to see you back soon Al. I enjoy reading your life experiences and insights postings here. Stay safe my friend.
I have one of those cards from the few times I went to Los Vegas. I have used it playing blackjack on the computer, and usually end up ahead by small amounts.
I am not a gambler at all except for my crazy coin collection. I like card games, but not for money.
I go to Vegas for shows, and have seen a lot of good ones. Kevin James was phenomenal. He was supposed to appear with Ray Romano in a show that had been scheduled for months. Romano backed out for personal reasons. That had the makings of a disaster because of the disappointment factor.
Kevin James, who is not known as a voice impersonator, had the Ray Romano voice down so perfectly you would have thought he was there.
The “Phantom of the Opera” Vegas production was special too. The entire theater was decorated so that it was like you actually at the theater for the “show within a show” performance including the falling chandelier. We took the backstage tour and met the actor who played the phantom and watched him remove his makeup.
One of the actresses who played the lead was ticked at the producers. She came rushing down the vowing she was headed for Hollywood, which added a little drama to the tour. I have not heard of her since.
Safe travels my friend, don't stay gone too long!
Al talk soon buddy, stay in touch