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Prooflike $20 Liberty Gold 1899-S

I realize there is almost zero percent chance of success here, but what the heck...so I used to own really a spectacular "DMPL" 1899-S $20. It did have some marks and so ended up with a PCGS 62 grade in an OGH maybe 25 years ago. But the spectacular part was the incredible contrast between the devices and the fields; Liberty was frosted but the fields were watery reflective. The fields had a "deep dish" appearance, almost like a 1921 Peace. The contrast almost looked artificial to the point where I was unsure if it would pass certification, the devices almost looked painted frosty gold compared to the fields...you get the idea. But the coin had identifying marks: two light parallel vertical scratches on either Liberty's neck or lower cheek (again, it's been over two decades) maybe a quarter inch long. And now the ridiculous part: does anyone remember seeing, or does anyone now own, this coin? Yeah, I know...good luck with that. But like an idiot I sold it way back when, and have been looking for it ever since...you understand. Thanks for reading!


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