Commanders New Mascot

in Sports Talk
I Would Have Chosen This Instead....
But Nobody Asked For My Opinion
I Would Have Chosen This Instead....
But Nobody Asked For My Opinion
Balderdash, I still say they should have named the team Washington Red Rats.
Is it supposed to be a take-off on "The Hogs" of O-line yesteryear fame?
oh gosh.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
When the team was called the Red Skins, they had a workhorse runner and offensive line who called themselves the hogs or something like that.
That last photo “cultural appropriation” unless the model is Native American.
I Would Have Chosen This Instead....
But that would be an "Asscot" not a "Mascot"
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Bill, I gave it much thought and consideration before I posted that photo. I thought that if the model is not Native American then yes it would have been as you say, cultural appropriation. But then I thought if the model is Native American then it would also be cultural appropriation unless bikinis are traditional Native American clothing. I came to the conclusion that the bikini is not traditional Native American attire. So, I took the gamble. I think I'm covered. It's a wash.
Now this photo is definitely a case of cultural appropriation...

Very Insensitive.... Over The Top.
Well-done @hydrant.