1815 Capped Bust Quarter not being picked up in my registry set

I have a First Year Type Set registry here: https://pcgs.com/setregistry/type-sets/complete-type-sets/first-year-issue-type-set-1793-1964/publishedset/227423
And I have an 1815 Capped Bust Quarter in my inventory here: https://pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/mycoinfacts/4061432
But for some reason, it's not being picked up in the registry set. Am I missing something? Is there someone I can email about it?
link above to your specific coin does not work ... post image & cert number ?
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Open your registry set and look at the middle of the page. Click on bullet 5. This is the solution and has worked for me!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Cert: 43276641. Odd worked for me. Maybe I have to be signed in to view.
Thanks, that's what I was looking for. Submitted a request and got "This Certification Number 43276641 already matches this slot." So I opened my set, and there is was ready to be added. Maybe someone read this thread.
did you add it to your set when you added coin to your inventory?
When I add coins to my inventory, I check the box that says to add it to any applicable sets. This one didn't add. No option to add it when I opened my set either. The date was greyed out as if I didn't own it. Then checking the other day, it was fixed.