NYINC 2023 reports
The CNG Greek and ancients auction going on now
……the room is 3/4 FULL . Wowee !
Also I thought the ancients sale from Heritage last evening brought strong prices .
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I give away money. I collect money.
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The very strong market continues
Find any nice crowns?
Latin American Collection
Watched the live auctions online great coins and strong results!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I did and I may bid on it will let you know afterwards
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What happened with the Goldbergs Russian auction. I thought it was going to be held at 7pm, but they stopped right before it and I wasn't watching live. Maybe someone here knows
I made a sweet purchase !😋

I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Did now see any Russian coin auction sell over at HA. Would have liked to see it Russia has great coins.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Is that real looks like chocolate?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Yes it’s chocolate.
I give away money. I collect money.
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And it's real.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Looks tasty!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Clearly @bidask ’s leg is going to be the big highlight of the 2023 NYINC.
Not even a @Zohar sighting.
Yes Zohar is HERE !😊
I give away money. I collect money.
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This show is rockin 😄

I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Thanks for the pictures! I'm disappointed that I couldn't attend this year.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Not mine
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I was able to pick up some fantastic coins at the show and a lot of thanks goes out to Dan, as three of those purchases came from his table.
Dan it was such a pleasure to meet you. My sincere thanks. I hope that we will cross paths again at future shows, you are a true gentleman and you have a great eye for coins.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Hear hear!
8 Reales Madness Collection
I thought the same of you Johnny you have a wonderful eye for coins yourself
It was also a pleasure meeting your daughter Hannah .
Btw I love your last name 😄
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Are there many Mexican/Central American/South American coins at this show? I know about the live auctions I mean at dealers tables?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Just got back from the show. It was super busy and folks were buying. I picked up a few things for my collection.
Good to see: @stork, @Bailathacl, @jdmern, @CIVITAS, @MrEureka, and all the dealers that I haven't seen in 3 years. I apologize if I missed anyone.
Some of my purchases:

From Jeff Zarrit - an upgrade of this die pair (actually a huge Cherry Pick, it is DP9 #4)
From W.J. Geotz - this is a restrike example
From Josh (Civitas) - he described this piece as having PL fields and I agree, my photos skills do not do this piece justice
Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors
Collector of:
Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
My Ebay
I got a couple coins from the New York Sale that I'm very happy with
I mentioned Colonel Steve Ellsworth has been here a few days I suspect getting interest for his show in Nashville ….also saw Jeff Garret who was here a couple days .
Wonder why ? But it’s nice to see American U.S. coin dealers interested in world coins!
Spoke with Stork ( hope her Albanian collection goes well tonite) spoke with Pruebas and sold a nice crown to
Zohar ( in from Tel Aviv )
Great meeting Johnny Cache for the first time ! As l spoke with Mr.Eureka who has been hosting wine at his booth every late afternoon.
The show has been very active imo .
I sold a lot of modern slabbed gold roughly 10% over spot we which I think closed around $1920 an ounce .
Also sold quite a few coins …..took some losses…… made a little ..:…but having fun .
You know how it is ….🤓
I won a nice 1836 mo ml 8 reales ngc 65 which I thought was all there in last nights stacks auction
Lost against Mike Dunnigan ( who I sat next too ) the 1823 mo jm PCGS 63 cap & ray 8 reales …truly rare in that grade,
Mike is president of the NYINC in case you did not know .
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I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Did you win the 1883-Mo 8 in 66 Dan. That was a Bidask coin for sure
Latin American Collection
I had a lone auction purchase, losing the 1766-G Guatemala 2R but winning the MS61 Jamaica 6S 8P with a long provenance string and the finest for the type. Ex Byrne, Goodman, Millennia, Cardinal

Latin American Collection
That was the coin I was taking about in a previous post and I thought you might bid on this one since it has a great provenance.
It’s a really great coin ( I held it in hand )
I decided not to bid against you .
I give away money. I collect money.
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Jamacai is not technically Latin America however .
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Thanks for not bidding!
Set just changed to the “Americas” set I guess. Love the freedom to redefine boundaries as needed.
Latin American Collection
Also added thanks to @MrEureka this very rare 1839 South Peru 8R in ms64. There are a total of 3 coins graded, an AU, a 61 and this coin. The 1838’s are quite common with about 200 graded at both services.

Latin American Collection
Whoa, that’s awesome! Congrats on finding one.
Yeah, but Lima is, the ACTUAL coin. 😂
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
That's a really nice coin.
I've looked into these more recently, but don't have the coin budget to buy it and the originals.
I've looked at the NGC data and the feasibility of putting together a high quality denomination set. There is one AU-55 for 3S 6P graded by NGC, on a Mexico 4R. Would like to see that coin.
The ones with the Mexico host coins seems to be usually scarcer, especially for the 5P. Most common seems to be 1758 LM as the host coin. It's more available than the original one, of which I own two.
Make that an MS-64.
I’d love to see that 64 too
Latin American Collection
The guy on the left is my son . He has helped me a great deal this past week.
The guy on the right ….not sure who he is …… but they enjoyed a conversation together at our bourse .😉
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Please excuse the pictures

This coin doesn't show well in these NGC pictures but it is really very nice
*edit to add: posted video of this coin on Instagram to better show it off
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
^@JohnnyCache Are these coins a buy direct there on the show?
I need to go to one of these shows for sure.
Yes, direct purchase.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Congratulations to all!
Bidask, this is an all time top ten favorite. Care to share any details about its purchase?
Either way, I wish you the best of luck with its future grade. What a beauty! 💜
PS: is that a light scratch across her face? There seems to be something that was removed at 8 o’clock on the obverse but there’s not much I can tell from this image. It looks gorgeous overall.
Thank you @Sryacusian
These were given to me believe it or not.
I ate them.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Not mine but wish 😄
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Since nobody said anything fyi the guy on the right is Steve Ivy , CEO and founder of Heritage auctions ……he was at this show too.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
He usually brings his doggy, but Andy tells me canines aren’t allowed in the Barcley.
I have several of the Heaton advertising tokens and left an online bid on this. Got completely blown out the water. Went for $3,840. Most Heaton tokens go in the hundreds, but this one is pretty interesting and scarce.
I bought that one. I think it went so high due to the China connection.
I have Sweeny ADV-22 and I’ve never seen this one before. I viewed it in lot viewing and thought the quality was nice for the grade, so paid up for it.
Not true. Steve brought Spartacus, who we met in the elevator, and my pups visited for happy hour at my table yesterday! Sylvester and Esmeralda especially enjoyed the leftover osso buco from Babbo.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
I can understand eating the common 20 Francs, but consuming the 100’s seems disrespectful, if not desperate.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
They are, but only under 25 pounds
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com