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Jordan exposed. If you can prove this wrong STEP UP!

1994 and 1995

Jordan's Clay Feet exposed

These two years are central in proving that Jordan is not the greatest ever. These two seasons will debunk a series of Jordan-based myths:

Jordan carried the team to 6 championships

Jordan made those around him better

Jordan was the most valuable player ever.

Jordan retired in October of 1993. The critics predicted gloom and doom for the Bulls. Extremist even declared that with Jordan, the Bulls wouldn't even make the playoffs. After all, Jordan supposedly carried those stiffs to three titles, right? These 4 assumptions were made:

The Bulls would be a much worse team without Jordan. They would probably slip at least 15 games.
If Jordan would come back, the Bulls would automatically win the title.
Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant would probably score more points, but they would shoot much worse, as defenses focused on them.
The Bulls would shoot much worse without Jordan.

Assumption 1: The Bulls would be a much worse team without Jordan. They would probably slip at least 15 games.
The first assumption was declared by nearly everybody. Even Bulls coach Phil Jackson predicted a 15-game slip in his autobiography, Sacred Hoops. He based this upon the retirement of superstars from the past. Replacing Jordan with by CBA journeyman Pete Myers should have been detrimental. These expectations weren't without reason.

The following table shows why 15 games was a reasonable number, and it also shows why Jordan didn't impact his team as greatly as other legends before him:

Year before losing player Year after losing player
Team Player Regular season Playoffs Regular Season Difference
(# of wins) Playoffs
1969 Celtics Bill Russell 48-34 Championship 34-48 -14 Missed playoffs
1973 Lakers Wilt
Chamberlain 60-22 NBA Finals 47-35 -13 Lost in first round
1974 Bucks Oscar
Robertson 59-23 NBA Finals 38-44 -21 Missed playoffs
1988 Celtics Larry Bird 57-25 Conference
Finals 42-40 -15 Lost in first round
1991 Lakers Magic
Johnson 58-24 NBA Finals 43-39 -15 Lost in first round
1993 Bulls Michael
Jordan 57-25 Championship 55-27 -2 Lost in 2nd round 3-4

Assumption 2: If Jordan would come back, the Bulls would automatically win the title.
This assumption were declared by those in 1995 who said, "the Bulls didn't win the title in 1994, did they?" While Jordan fans claim that he and he alone was single-handedly responsible for the title, they conveniently neglect 1995. Jordan did come back that season. However, the Bulls didn't have Horace Grant (and Dennis Rodman would not join until the next season). Without Grant, their rebounding and interior defense deficiencies were exposed by the Orlando Magic (Horace Grant's team, ironically), and the Bulls lost in the second round 2-4. As you can see in the table above, the previous year, without Jordan, they lost 3-4 in the 2nd round. Now if Jordan were single-handedly responsible for those titles, why did they do even worse in the playoffs after he returned than they did the year before, when they didn't have him?

Sure, they won the championship the following season, as Jordan fans like to point out, but they fixed their rebounding/interior defense problems by acquiring Dennis Rodman. Without Grant or Rodman, Jordan simply could not win a championship. After all, the team really didn't miss him that badly when he retired.

When 1995 is brought up, Jordan-supporters will invariably say "Jordan had court rust, what do you expect?" Jordan played 17 games that season. In 1986, Jordan played 18 games. In the 1986 playoffs Jordan scored a playoff-record 63 points. Why was Jordan able to shake the court rust in 1986 and not in 1995? Jordan fans usually claim that he got better as he got older.

Furthermore, to expose the double-standard, in 1969-70, Wilt Chamberlain played 9 games and then tore up his knee (similar injury to Charles Barkley's career-ending injury). He returned for the final 3 games of the regular season, and then took his team to the 7th game of the NBA finals (the famous Willis Reed game). Why is Chamberlain a "loser" and Jordan "has court rust"? Chamberlain's team went to the 7th game of the NBA Finals. Jordan's team couldn't even get to the 7th game of the Eastern Conference semi-finals. If Jordan is better than Wilt (and everybody else), then Jordan has no excuse for not leading the Bulls to the 1995 NBA Championship. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Losing to Orlando in the Conference semi-finals can only be described as a major choke.

Assumption 3: Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant would probably score more points, but they would shoot much worse, as defenses focused on them.
The third assumption was that Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant would probably score more points, but they would shoot much worse, as defenses focused on them. This appears to be a logical assumption. However, the logic is clearly seen when the hype is peeled away.

1992-93 (w/ Jordan) 1993-94 (w/o Jordan)
Scottie Pippen 18.6 47.3 22.0 49.1
Horace Grant 13.2 50.8 15.1 52.4

Assumption 4: The Bulls would shoot much worse without Jordan.
The fourth assumption is that the Bulls would shoot much worse without Jordan than with him. That is because conventional wisdom says that a player of Jordans ability requires extra defensive attention, and that creates open shots for teammates.

In addition to this, the shooting percentage of the league has declined every year since 1989, so it is only logical to assume that even with Jordan, the shooting percentage of the team would decline, and without him it would greatly decline, correct? Not surprisingly, the Bulls' opponents shot worse (fg% and PPG) in 1994 (no Jordan) than in 1993 (with Jordan). I doubt that Pete Myers was a better defender than Jordan, so this fact only further proves the trend that I just mentioned.

Well, the Bulls, as an entire team, DID shoot worse. That is because Jordans field goal percentage was taken out, and his position was replaced by CBA journeyman Pete Myers, who was known for defense (in other words, a terrible shooter). Furthermore, Toni Kukoc was a poor shooting rookie in 1994 (.431 from the floor and .271 from 3-point range).

When you factor this out, you find that there were nine players who played with Jordan in 1993 and without him 1994, you see that they actually shot BETTER without Jordan (48.6%) than they did with him (48.2%). As I showed previously, this was also true of the top 2 scorers (Pippen and Grant). In contrast, the 1992 Lakers and the 1989 Celtics saw nearly everyone on the team fall in fg% and ppg, due to the absence of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, respectively. This difference may not seem like much, but remember, Jordan is SUPPOSED to make life easier for teammates, not harder. And the trend in the league was decreased fg% every year. How could this be?

The answer is that players like Jordan do not make those around them better. Jordan has always been more interested in scoring his points than in helping his team. Whenever he was asked to score less, he rebelled.

In the 1989 Conference Finals, Bulls coach Doug Collins asked Jordan to pass more. Jordan had a hissy-fit and hardly shot at all, just to prove that his shots are needed. He took Collins request to an extreme. Rather than try to win the game, Jordan wanted to prove his own worth
When Phil Jackson took over as coach, he asked Jordan to not win the scoring title. Jordan rebelled.
Jordan often criticized the Triangle defense and openly questioned Phil Jackson and Tex Winter. He also said that the triangle was an outdated defense and that offense players had evolved past it. He also questioned Winter's qualifications.
Passing simply wasnt a priority for Jordan. Players like Magic Johnson, Oscar Robertson, and Larry Bird made their teammates better. However, as I previously showed, the Bulls who played with Jordan shot better without him. Jordan is supposed to have a huge impact on the Bulls, right? Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Oscar Robertson, Bill Russell, and Wilt Chamberlain had huge impacts on their teams in the W-L column, and Jordan is supposed to be better than them, isn't he? Could it be that Jordan simply wasn't as valuable to the Bulls as the legends listed above were to their teams?

Let's look at those 3 myths again:

Jordan carried the team to 6 championships - As I showed, the Bulls did not suffer greatly when he retired. When he returned, they didn't even make the conference finals, until they replaced their power forward.

Jordan made those around him better - I proved this collectively by showing that the players who played with him shot better without him.

Jordan was the most valuable player ever - He simply did not affect the W-L column, or the playoff performance as greatly as the other players that I showed above.

There can only be one conclusion from all of this: Michael Jordan is NOT the greatest basketball player ever.


  • Hey jordan is my nizzle, but can someone with some knowledge in bball actually argue this without being biased? Like I said

    Step up- no kids allowed
  • No Kids allowed? LMAO! you are a kid yourself!
  • Geez, you got way too much free time on your hands
  • if we all started to go to the church of kobe with you would you let it rest then?
    enough already, geesh
  • ebok quti postin ur gay sh*t and get a damn life


    South Of The Border Cards




    R.I.P Josher416
  • Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!! You just need to get over the fact that Jordan was-is-&-always will be one of the greatest basketball players to ever lace them up!!
    No amount of babbling coming from between your ears is ever going to change that FACT!!
    LOL No kids allowed-Were you even out of diapers yet when Jordan was playing??
    Bob & CJ
    Dad & Son

    ! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !

    WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
    Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.


    References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
  • haha you guys all hide from the facts. That's all you got? Not 1 person on this board can argue this without being biased?

    57-25 with him the first 3-peat

    55-27 without jordan the very next year! Some mvp huh?

    Like I said- I want real bball fans to argue this not little kids who collect 2001 topps chrome cards. Stay out

  • bobstar don't you always bash basketball and then you have the balls to come and defend jordan? WOW

    H Y P O C R I T E

    Stick to hockey.

  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    ok fu(kface, nobody cares....just go back to your ass sex, we all know how that comforts you when other people dont care about you.
  • haha can I get just one person who isn't a jordan jocker to argue this? It's sad all you guys can't even argue without blaming me what's in the books of nba history.

    Ski stick to jeter man.

    Don't bash me bash mj he deserves it.

  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236
    i'm confused why u hate MJ so much? but then u have his logo as an icon... just curious...
  • toto I don't hate mj at all, i'm just trying to get more than everyones one liners without being biased towards mj.

    Who am I kidding though- most of you are a bunch of 12 year old kids who think iverson is the best basketball player in the world because of his scoring average.

  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>toto I don't hate mj at all, i'm just trying to get more than everyones one liners without being biased towards mj.

    Who am I kidding though- most of you are a bunch of 12 year old kids who think iverson is the best basketball player in the world because of his scoring average. >>

    i am 20... and i do not think Iverson is the best basketball player in the world...
  • Can you sum that thing up, I'm not gonna read your entire essay. Lol. I'd argue with you but I think Wilt Chamberlain was the best ever so I'm sorry to let you down. Lol, Chris.
  • chrisdaball good answer-

    wilt was the greatest ever.

  • your an idiot ebok...Jordan is the greatest player ever...Look at pippen now that he doesnt have jordan beside him...everyoen though that pippen would become a superstar because he didnt have to hide in the shaddow of jordan...they were obviously wrong pippen sucks ass now that he doenst have jordan. GET REAL
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  • pippen played all his good years in chicago idiot. What;s jordan doing with the wizards? Thought so son

    Atleast pippen got to the wcf game 7 vs the lakers without jordan- What has mj done without pippen?

    OOps he did it again
  • rmsportscards is right. I am a Rockets fan and witnessed Pippens high level of suck in his one year with the Rockets. He couldn't do $h!t, and that was another testament of MJ's greatness.

    You have to consider "the best player ever" on a relative scale. Wilt was a physical freak when he played. He physically dwarfed and dominated everyone he played against. Now days, that wouldn't happen. If he played today i think he'd be a great center, but no way in he!l does he average 50 points and 20 boards a game playing against Shaq, Zo, or Hakeem, Ewing, Kareem, etc. during their primes.

    Jordan kicked EVERYONES ass, all of the time. When he was in shape (which excludes his comeback years you are blabbing about), he didn't lose. You have obviously never played basketball. It is about rhythm, a groove, and timing. When you don't play in ACTUAL GAMES, you lose that momentarily, and it takes you a while to get it back. And when he got it back, he dominated again.

    Everytime i think it is an impossibility that you get any dumber, you somehow prove me wrong and do just that. You have to be the single most ignorant, closed-minded person i have EVER come across in my 24 years

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • Lol what do I win ebok image

    << <i>your an idiot ebok...Jordan is the greatest player ever...Look at pippen now that he doesnt have jordan beside him...everyoen though that pippen would become a superstar because he didnt have to hide in the shaddow of jordan...they were obviously wrong pippen sucks ass now that he doenst have jordan. GET REAL >>

    Pippen is way past his prime now, as is Jordan. They both should have retired (and remained retired) after the Bulls won their 6th championship.
  • jerik

    57-25 with jordan

    55-27 without him

    pippen and horace grant shot better fieldgoal % and averaged more points per game without jordan

    Argue that
  • I will keep mine short and to the point. Anyone can find statistics that show that someones performance was not as good as others. FACTOR IN ALL STATISTICS! I dont have time too...i do other things. But i will also add this...just watch the man play! MY GOD...its like TIGER on the golf course! Something from another planet!
    I also agree with JEric20..Wilt was a freak in his time...destroying all inferior to him physically. Jordans physique and speed was not much different than those he played.
    I agree with your points ebok...but disagree with the final conclusion. MICHAEL JORDAN is the greatest basketball player to play the game and is the standard of greatness that all in the NBA is measured too.

    Thito....do you have the Wizards record pre-Jordan? Id like to see the numbers

    Kevin - 25 - a Pistons fan in the Jordan era...biased until i saw the light of the GREATEST

    Refs: Boopopo2, Samsgirl214, Remster, Chillinbij, SkiVermont3, dallas822, RepresentCards, Koolman2005
    Ebayer in Perfect Standing (kfcjock)
  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    I don't think Jordan is the best basketball player ever. I do think he has the greatest heart of any player. That is what makes the difference between an average player and a great player. This is what lacks in most current sports
    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • Since Thito isnt here...I got the stats..SON!

    Washington Wizards Pre-Jordan Record: 19-63
    Washingtom Wizards w/ Jordan Record: 37-45


    Refs: Boopopo2, Samsgirl214, Remster, Chillinbij, SkiVermont3, dallas822, RepresentCards, Koolman2005
    Ebayer in Perfect Standing (kfcjock)
  • haha the wizards didn't even make the playoffs.

  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>haha the wizards didn't even make the playoffs. >>

    it's not about making the playoffs... but since u brought that up, i'll be the first to say if Jordan didn't get hurt, the Wiz would have made the playoffs - easily!

    i watched almost every Wizards game from the last 2 seasons and what Jordan did to this team was unbelievable... he made everyone around him better... no they didn't make the playoffs, but they won 18 more games with bascially the same team they had winning 19 TOTAL... and that's with Jordan injured half of the season... KFC gives u stats (something u adore) showing u how much better the Wizards got WITH Jordan and all u can say is "haha the wizards didn't even make the playoffs."... that's funny cuz everytime u give us stats and we say something along those lines, u say u proved us wrong... so did we prove u wrong?... Jordan is nowhere near the player he used to be, which of course is very understandable, but he is still the greatest to ever play the game...


  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236



    did u read my post?

    maybe u were too occupied with Derrick suckin on your nuts...
  • ACTUALLY I didn't read your entire post, because it was a bunch of if's and but's!

    I don't read if's and buts- I read facts and stuff that actually happens not mere if's .

  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>ACTUALLY I didn't read your entire post, because it was a bunch of if's and but's!

    I don't read if's and buts- I read facts and stuff that actually happens not mere if's . >>

    i used ONE "if" and ONE "but" in my whole post... maybe u should try reading it since it was full of facts that proved u wrong...
  • richard hamiliton had no part right? He hardly played last year

    bye bye
  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>richard hamiliton had no part right? He hardly played last year

    bye bye >>

    where did that come from? and what are u talking about? explain like i'm a 5 year old since i don't seem to understand u..
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    It's easy to get ThiTo mad...talking about sports over the internet and he gets mad. I can see him turning red and hitting sh*t right about now...especially when someone proves him wrong. How lame...I find it funny. But, he's still cool though...I admire ThiTo...heh heh imageimage
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    And, you know he's mad when he typed something to you and the ENTIRE thing will be in bold. lol...image
  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>It's easy to get ThiTo mad...talking about sports over the internet and he gets mad. I can see him turning red and hitting sh*t right about now...especially when someone proves him wrong. How lame...I find it funny. But, he's still cool though...I admire ThiTo...heh heh imageimage >>

    i get mad? u sure u weren't talking about yourself in that post? Derrick do u ever NOT be hypocritical? i really could care less... i reply to your posts because i enjoy proving people wrong... i really am NOT mad and i really could give 2 sh!ts... it's funny cuz u are the one that always gets mad and u are the one that always talks about sports over the internet... yet, u attack me... well if u feel like u have to, then go ahead - cuz i said it a million time - i don't give a fu^k... but i will defend myself and i will post a reply... i'm glad u admire me, but i really don't want my balls licked so thanks anyways...
  • Like I said - richard hamiliton. If you don't give this guy any credit you are not a wizards fan.

    How are you going to say it was all jordan that made a diffrence?

    hamilton avg 20 ppg jordan avg 22ppg

    hamilton shot better from the field and 3point range.

  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>Like I said - richard hamiliton. If you don't give this guy any credit you are not a wizards fan.

    How are you going to say it was all jordan that made a diffrence?

    hamilton avg 20 ppg jordan avg 22ppg

    hamilton shot better from the field and 3point range. >>

    u just don't get it, do u? of course i give Hamilton credit... just like Pippen, Jordan made Hamilton a BETTER PLAYER... look at the stats since u love them so much - all of Hamilton's numbers went UP the year Jordan played, or should i say BECAUSE of Jordan... it was ALL Jordan... i'm not sayin other players didn't contribute because OF COURSE they did... but say Jordan didn't come back, i wonder how many games the Wiz would have won then... Jordan's average was 22ppg because for 1) he was injured half the season and for 2) when he came back, he hardly played any minutes... it's not just Jordan's presence on the court, but it's off the court as well... his work ethic, his training, his everything... it all contributed to making the Wizards a better team... even your boy Dr. Jack said that... don't come at me with BS - why don't u start gettin some facts since u like telling everyone else to...
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    Why keep cloggin' up the boards with this crap? Who cares...? Move on and get a life.....
  • toto toto you are so wrong once again

    hamilton without jordan avg 18 ppg playing 32 minutes and he shot 43.8% from the field he avg 2.9 assists and .96 steals.

    hamilton with jordan avg 20ppg due to playing 3 more mins avg 35 mins per game, he shot 43.5% which was worse with jordan and he avg less assists at 2.7 and less steals .60.


    can you say I'M YOUR DADDY?
  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>Why keep cloggin' up the boards with this crap? Who cares...? Move on and get a life..... >>

    no offense, but we care... i REALLY don't care to the extent they do, but i care enough to post... u don't have to read it... and it's not really crap, it's sports... but speaking of a life, i'm off work so i'll talk to y'all later!
  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>can you say I'M YOUR DADDY? >>

    u can say it, but i don't know why you'd want to...
  • HAHA I thought you just said jordan made hamilton better? I just proved to you he made him worse.

    cmon say it

    I M Y O U R D A D D Y
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    no offense, but we care... i REALLY don't care to the extent they do, but i care enough to post... u don't have to read it... and it's not really crap, it's sports... but speaking of a life, i'm off work so i'll talk to y'all later!

    Actually, I do have to read it every time this pops to the top over someone else's post who's lookin' to do some tradin'. This post has been on here 5,000 different ways and it always says the same $hit. I could care less if you all want to play with the post, but this really should be in the chat area....
  • Dirt monkey you don't have to do anything you choose to read it. Skip on down to the next post you retard.

  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    retard? Nice terminology youngn'. Wow, I see you have respect for others....
  • not for ones who cry about a post- Simply ignore this post and explore other aspects of this board if it bothers you that much.

    It's as easy as that son.

  • Seriously ebok, you have AGAIN avoided what i said. You actually think that Chamberlain would do as good today as he did back when he was guarded by a bunch of 6'9" white guys?? The only competetion he had was Bill Russell, who defeated Chamberlains teams year after year after year after year. You're dumb ass wasn't even a gleam in your ugly mommas eye when Chamberlain played, so how the heck would you know anything about him?? All you can do is look at some stats and blab and blab and in the process of blabbing- PROVE NOTHING EXCEPT THAT YOU ARE A COMPLETE JACKASS THAT HAS NO LIFE WHATSOEVER.

    Seriously bud- get a job, get a friend, get a dog, get a homo-lover, just get something that doesn't resemble that pathetic existence of yours and lack of anything better to do than to waste everyones time with your complete idiocy

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • who are you to talk about having a life you deer killer?
  • The real stats here are in the message posting. Derrick better watch out, because ebok is averaging 15 more posts per day, pretty soon he won't be top dawg anymore. That fact is probably more interesting than this entire thread.
  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236

    << <i>HAHA I thought you just said jordan made hamilton better? I just proved to you he made him worse.

    cmon say it

    I M Y O U R D A D D Y >>

    how many times have u said Kobe's numbers would go up WITHOUT Shaq? i can count MANY... so does that mean Shaq makes Kobe a better player... YES IT DOES... WITHOUT SHAQ, KOBE'S NUMBERS WOULD BE HIGHER... SAME AS HAMILTON... why? because u take away the MAIN SCORER... without Jordan or Shaq, OF COURSE Hamilton and Kobe are going to score more points since they take over the lead roles... who else is there to score?

    so, who proved what?
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭

    << <i>The real stats here are in the message posting. Derrick better watch out, because ebok is averaging 15 more posts per day, pretty soon he won't be top dawg anymore. That fact is probably more interesting than this entire thread. >>

    First off, I don't know if that comment was serious, or you were just being a smart ass...but I could care less how many posts I got. The reason my post count is so high is because I post over on the Open Forum where there are actually intelligent people to discuss things with. Posting over there is fun and there's interesting topics to discuss. Maybe you should try it.
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