You are new here so you may not realize that, as has been previously mentioned, posting items for sale on this board (US Coin forum) is prohibited. However, the Buy, Sell & Trade board is specifically designed for this type of post. You may want to edit out the content of this thread and change the title and then start a thread on the BST. Good luck with the sale.
nice, should have in BST forum
Howdy and welcome.
You are new here so you may not realize that, as has been previously mentioned, posting items for sale on this board (US Coin forum) is prohibited. However, the Buy, Sell & Trade board is specifically designed for this type of post. You may want to edit out the content of this thread and change the title and then start a thread on the BST. Good luck with the sale.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
@jsand0113 ... As @TomB recommended, move this to the BST (Buy, Sell, Trade) forum. You should get good results there. Cheers, RickO
It has nice luster but I don’t like the dark toning areas.
Price data per CDN:
CPG 247, CDN Bid 190.