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RIP Stewart Blay

ianrussellianrussell Posts: 2,492 ✭✭✭✭✭

It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we announce Stewart Blay has passed away.

Stewart was extremely well-known in the numismatic community - traveling to 100s of coin shows while on his pursuit of the very finest Small Cents. The collections he built cannot be rivaled.

He liked to remind me often that he has known my wife (Raeleen) longer than I have.

Over the years, he has put a lot of trust in Raeleen and me - and I only wish he could see the results of his Lincoln set in January...hopefully he will be able to see from above.

To Stewart's family and friends, Raeleen and I offer our sincerest condolences.

  • Ian
Ian Russell
Owner/Founder GreatCollections
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