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I made an error on my PCGS submission form. Can it be fixed?

Hello everyone, I need a bit of help. I made a small error on my submission form. I forgot to use line 4 (holder coin if non gradable) I did not fill it in. Can I call or email to ask if someone will fill it in for me or holder the coin if genuine without grade? Any answer I will certainly appreciate. Thanks in advanced.

What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art. (Augustus Saint-Gaudens)


  • PapiNEPapiNE Posts: 330 ✭✭✭

    Holder Coins With Genuine Detail Grades is the default so if nothing is indicated/checked, and that's what you want, no further action is needed. If you do not want them holdered, contacting customer service would be an option.

    USAF veteran 1984-2005

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